科技日新月異,一日千里,令人目不暇給。在加上目前是知識爆炸的時代,校園更是提供知識的場所,學校方面也開始重視將知識管理的概念導入到資訊化的校園中,以提昇學校的行政效率和效能,並且能夠在未來的嚴酷考驗中脫穎而出,以求立於不敗之地,所以電子化、資訊化校園(e化校園)就成了各校積極努力的目標和方向,各校無不挖空心思,致力於改善各項軟、硬體設施,以加強其競爭力和強化優勢。故本論文主要探討如何建置線上系統之情形和介紹各種線上系統應用在大同商專的情況,以實踐知識管理運用於資訊化校園的目標。 The new techonology is changing all the time. Nowadays school is not only a place for students getting knowledge but also a place for clleagues to manage the information into the electronic way and promote the teaching and administration efficiency on campus. Making an E-campus is the priority for every school to enhance its competivity and ascendancy. In my artical, I try to take Ta-tung junior colledge of commerce as an exmaple to demostrate how to set up an E-campus and intorduce some kinds of software in application to complete and apply the electronic information managaement at school.