近年來遠距教學的應用日益廣泛,學校和公私立教學機構紛紛建立自己的網路教學機制,運用網路通訊與資訊科技的優勢,向更多元化的教學推廣發展。在目前的發展趨勢下,普遍專注的多是教學平台的建置以及教學理論與網路技術的發展改進,對於教學與知識的整體規劃建置與管理,則尚未有深入的探討。 本研究將知識的管理導入網路教學之中,希望以知識的管理為目標來引導非同步網路教學系統的建構,以知識管理的策略規劃作為系統開發的指導原則,提出一個規劃與建構知識系統的方法,將非同步網路教學系統建構成為一個整合知識與教學的精緻系統,藉由知識管理機制規劃分析,達到精確掌握智慧資產、發揮遠距教學最大效益的目標。 完成的模式將可作為評估、發展、與建構非同步網路教學平台及內容的基本規範,能夠解構解決網路教學上有關知識的管理方法,對於未來網路教學的發展運用有所助益。 Lately, the application of distance learning is blooming. Many universities and colleges as well as education institutes established the web learning systems. By taking advantages of the network communication and information technologies, web learning is developing towards a multi-purposed usage. In this trend, however, many are towards implementing a web-based platform, tackling the educating methodologies as well as developing net technologies. Fewer are touching the integration and management of knowledge and instruction. This paper introduces the management of knowledge into the web learning system. Taking the knowledge as the major object for management to guide the implementation of the asynchronous web learning system. Tactical planning of knowledge management has been used in developing the asynchronous web learning system. Methodology of planning and implementing the knowledge system will be presented, such that a dedicated asynchronous web learning system can be established. Thissystem will be having the advantages of finely controlling the intellectual assets and offering the best efficiencies of the integrated system.The model resulted can be used in evaluating, developing andimplementing a web learning platform including its contents deployment,providing a new way for the management of knowledge in asynchronousweb learning system and beneficial to its future development.