隨著寬頻網路的普及,無線技術的日趨成熟,越來越多的無線設備與行動通訊產品都陸續的加入這新一代的行動網路之中,使得網路的使用不再侷限於固定的有線環境之中,而可隨時隨地的上網,充分利用網際網路上的資源。 近幾年來國內外大學紛紛著手進行無線網路的規劃與建置,藉由各項網路資訊科技的整合應用,提供便利的校園教學工作環境,讓校內的教職員生可以利用攜帶式的筆記型電腦、個人數位助理或平板電腦,機動的以無線上網的方式在校園內使用,因而可以提升學生的學習效率與教職員工的工作效率、增進師生甚至學校與家長之間的互動、達到學習與溝通無時空障礙的境界,讓整個學校的校園資源整合與應用獲得更有彈性與效益的發揮與利用。 本文透過文獻整理、市場分析、國內校園無線網路應用現況分析與個案探討,發現目前國內各校園所建構之無線網路,在應用上僅侷限於提供「無線上網」此一功能而已,有鑑於此,本文提出一完整的校園無線網路建構方案,另外並針對無線資訊科技運用在校園教學與行政管理上的整體策略與規畫,特別提出一個創新思考的應用模式,其中涵蓋具行動功能的數位學習系統、整合型的校園安全維護應用以及突破時空限制的校務行政管理系統等,且也將針對無線網路於校園的涵蓋率、網路卡管理與IP管理辦法等問題加以討論,並於最後一章節予以結論,本研究將可供各級學校在規劃校園無線網路時之重要參考。 Along with the spreading usage of broadband network as well as the maturity of the wireless technology, a large amount of wireless equipments and mobile communication products are being used in the new generation of mobile an wireless networks. Therefore the use of network is now not only is no longer limited in the wire networks but also be surfing the web and making use of the rich contents in the networks without the constraints of time and places. In recent years, universities in the nation are working overwhelmingly onto establishing the planning and implementing the wireless network on the university campus. Through an integration among the various network and information technologies, an convenient environment for learning on the campus can be established, that provides the faculty members as well as students an additional ways to access the large amount of web resources using the pocket or notebook computers and PDA easily. Moreover, additional applications may also be realized in a sophisticated planned wireless and mobile environment. Through the processes of studies, this paper presented a solid configuration of implementing the wireless infrastructure on the university campus. It may include a total solution for the various applications in teaching, administration, and communications with students’ parents as well. Thus, the results of this study furnishes a complete suggestion to other new establishments of wireless environment on the university campus.