價格在買賣雙方之交易過程中扮演相當重要的角色;然而在網路行銷領域中,尚未有一能被廣泛接受之訂價模式。本研究將以傳統經濟理論為基礎並考慮網際網路之特性進而嘗試發展一網路訂價模式來協助網路訂價之決策制定。我們將先行探討網際網路對傳統行銷及訂價方式所帶來之衝擊,並闡述網路行銷之重要性及發展新的訂價模式之迫切性。其次,此研究將以企業及個人消費者購買程序來探討價格因素在整體之購買程序中所扮演的角色,同時考量賣方之成本、市場之需求強度、競爭環境及市場策略等重要因素,來訂定一符合買賣雙方均能接受之價格。最後,本研究將分析消費者及企業購買者之價格敏感度及影響其敏感度之原因,藉此協助管理者制定最佳之價格策略。本研究之主要發現如下:企業買主的價格敏感度會較個人消費者低、消費者對數位產品的敏感度較一般產品高、企業買主較願意主動加價以獲得其所需產品。 Product prices are important in making trades and deals. However, there is not a widely accepted pricing model for Internet marketing. In this research, a new dynamic pricing model to assist Internet pricing decision-making is developed, considering economic theory and attributes of Internet markets. The factors which buyers concerned are then investigated, such as demand, costs, competitive, and strategy issues. Incorporating the BBB algorithm, CBB algorithm, and pricing model, an Internet purchasing and negotiating processes are identified for B2B and B2C markets. Finally, scenario analysis of the price sensitivity is formulated to assist the success of an Internet pricing strategy in a competitive and dynamic B2B and B2C market. Our research find that business buyer have lower price sensitivity than individual buyer, buyer’s price sensitivity will higher on digital product than on physical product, and business buyer more willing to add budget to obtain what they need.