創新的產品可以替銀行創造競爭優勢,而選擇適當的上市策略對產品績效有正面的影響,銀行業為了提高服務品質,利用不同的資訊系統以支援各項業務推展,而整合的資訊系統則可以替銀行帶來最大的綜效。本研究個案分析結果顯示,不同的新產品所使用的策略性產品/市場決策、時程相關的決策與行銷組合決策等上市策略也會不同,而這些上市策略會影響營業收入與市場佔有率、競爭性績效、外溢效果、成本績效等新產品績效。適當的上市策略可以降低新產品上市的失敗率,提昇新產品績效。本研究發現在資訊系統整合對上市策略與新產品績效的影響可分為兩點來論述:第一為金融業最基本的資訊系統需求是功能、資料與介面的整合;第二則是電腦應用整合層級越高,不但可以縮短整個新產品上市的時間,還可以提昇新產品的績效。 Innovative product can create competitive advantage for banking industry, and selecting the appropriate launch strategy for new product has positive effect to new product performance. Banking industry utilizes different information system to support each occupational activity In order to improve service quality, and integration of information system can bring the maximum synergy to banking industry. The results of our research find that different new product adopt different launch strategies of strategic product/market decisions, timing-related decisions, and marketing mix decisions, and these launch decisions will impact the new product performance on the sales and market share, competitive e, other Booster, and cost. Appropriate launch strategy can reduce the failure ratio of the new product launching and raise the new product performance. The integration of information system have two impact on the launch strategy and the new product performance: First, the integration of function, data, and interface is the basic requirement of information system. Secondary, the high level of computer application integration not only shorten the time of new product launching, but also improve the new product performance.