摘要: | 一個法治國家,為維持社會秩序,除了法律、道德及風俗習慣外,司法機關亦為社會控制機制的一環,監獄是國家整個刑事政策的執行主體,有謂「監獄是社會正義的最後一道防線」的說法,司法矯正人員對犯罪的防治責無旁貸,矯正工作做得圓滿,使得受刑人出獄後不再犯罪,進而貢獻社會、服務人群,乃整個社會之福。究竟矯正人員其對矯正工作的態度為何?而每天面對受刑人,其承受的工作壓力、角色衝突及離職傾向狀況為何?為本論文探討的重點。 本研究旨在探討雲嘉南地區司法矯正人員的個人特徵、角色衝突、工作壓力及工作態度等變項彼此之相關性及與離職傾向間之關聯。從相關理論架構、文獻分析和實證調查結果,獲得結論和建議,以降低角色衝突工作壓力並改善工作態度和離職傾向之參考。 本研究調查以雲嘉南地區一般監獄之矯正工作人員為對象,採便利抽樣,以量表進行問卷調查方式,經由信度和效度分析檢驗,顯示有高信度與效度。將資料分別以百分比、次數分配、單因子變異數分析、T檢定、皮爾森相關分析、雪費事後多重比較及迴歸分析等進行統計分析。 根據實證調查結果,本研究結論歸納如下:一、 在個人特徵中,低教育程度、先前從事於商業、擔任夜勤勤務、學校分發人員及服務於雲林第二監獄者,其所知覺之角色衝突較高。二、 個人特徵,女性矯正人員、低年資、學校分發者、未婚者及服務於雲林地區者,其工作態度較高。三、 在個人特徵,夜勤隔日制、學校分發及服務於雲林第二監獄者,其所知覺得工作壓力較高。四、 在個人特徵,男性矯正人員、低年資者、主任管理員、曾從事於商業者、夜勤隔日制、學校分發及服務於雲林第二監獄者,其所知覺得離職傾向較高。五、 角色衝突對工作壓力、角色衝突對離職傾向及工作壓力對離職傾向三者之間均呈極顯著正相關。 A constitutional society tries to maintain order through the social control mechanism, consisting of law, morality, customs as well as judiciaries. Prison serves as the implementation unit for the criminal policies, and thus “is the last ditch of social justice”. Crime prevention is an indispensable duty to prison correctional officers. Good correctional officers can prevent convicts from committing crimes again. Furthermore, convicts are encouraged to contribute to the society and serve mankind. How do correctional officers think of their jobs? The pressure, role conflict and turnover intention generated from the daily contacts with convicts are the topics that will be fully investigated in this study. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships of Personnel Characteristics, Role Conflict, Job Stress, Work Attitude and Employee Turnover among prison correctional officers in the districts of Yunlin , Chiayi and Tainan. From the relative research frameworks, literature and investigated samples, the conclusion and suggestions were proposed to decrease role conflict and job stress and improve personal working attitude and turnover intention. All the investigated people are located in Yunlin, Ciayi and Tainan Prison. The validity and reliability of the questionnaires were examined. The questionnaires showed good validity and high reliability. The values of data are presented in descriptive analysis, Independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson`s correlation analysis, Scheffe method, Regression Analysis. According to investigating samples, the summaries were as follows:1. Among the personnel characteristics, such as (in terms of) low education, ex-job in business, duty at night, distribution by school and working in Yunlin Second Prison, their perception of role stress was higher.2. Among the personnel characteristics, in terms of female correctional officers, few years working experiences, distribution by school, single and working in Yunlin Second Prison, their perception of job attitude was higher.3. Among the personnel characteristics, in terms of night duty, distribution by school and working in Yunlin Second Prison, their perception of job stress was higher.4. Among the personnel characteristics, in terms of male correctional officers, few years working experience, ex-job in business, duty at night, distribution by school and working in Yunlin Second Prison, their perception of turnover intention is higher.5. There were significantly positive correlations between each two variables in terms of role conflict, job stress and turnover intention. |