由於全球資本主義的轉型,以及中國大陸和東南亞國家採取經濟開放的政策,使得台灣的經濟體系從資本輸入國,轉變資本輸出國,貿易上並且逐漸從大量的依賴美國轉變成依賴大陸市場。因此本研究主要就目前台商赴大陸投資的狀況,來探討投資動機、投資策略、組織間相依程度與組織績效間是否具有相關性,並輔以組織特性與經營者特質二變項進行探討。 經實證研究後,本研究之發現如下:1、差異性分析部份:組織特性與經營者特質皆與組織間相依程度、投資動機、投資策略與組織績效間具部份顯著差異。2、相關性分析與獨立性假設部份:投資動機、投資策略與組織績效間具有部份相關,而投資動機與曾任職部門則與各變項間皆具部份顯著關聯。 由本研究結果可知,組織特性、經營者特質、組織間相依程度、投資動機、投資策略與組織績效間皆相互影響,而其中台商赴大陸投資需特別注意「競爭者正向互動度」與經營權的取得,並注意不同國籍人才的使用,如此一來才能成為一個成功的跨國性企業。 Because of global capitalism transferred and some Asia country’s economic policy opened up, Taiwan economic system transferred from capital-in to capital-out, and Taiwan trade depended upon Mainland China had more then United State. Thus, The purpose of this thesis is to find thecorrelation between investment motivation, investment strategy, organization interdependence, and organization performance of Taiwan businessinvestment in Mainland China. In addition, we take organization characteristic and manager characteristic in variables. The results of the research indicate that:1. The organization characteristic and manager characteristic are significant partial difference on the other variables.2. The correlation between investment strategy, organization interdependence,and organization performance is existence, and the investment motivation correlates to the other variables partially. As the results,we suggest that the industry should notice the positive interdependence with competitors and the professinal manager and foreign manager hired.It will help industry`s performance and globalization.