摘要: | 自20 世紀末期,世界各國面臨了全球化所帶來的競爭壓力與結構性變革,紛紛推行政府改造運動,競相效法民間企業,實施「績效管理」與「策略管理」的機制,要求各機關必須依據人民需求與環境變遷因素,前瞻性的規劃施政目標,並設計客觀的施政績效評估方法與獎酬方式。 基此,我政府亦於民國91 年度起,分別實施「績效評估制度」與「績效獎金制度」, 此等制度均訂有績效目標、策略目標暨衡量指標,然行政機關能否成功的實施績效管理制度,端看它們是否能有效執行它們的策略目標。因此,本研究嘗試以平衡計分卡管理制度,運用在公務機關的嘉義縣警察局的可行性。 研究結果發現,個案機關員警大多瞭解其組織目標,有利其推動平衡計計分卡制度,但對現行績效評估制度瞭解不足與滿意度不高,有待加強教育。在刑案發生不報、虛報與匿報方面,仍未完全根除,以及員警績效壓力大,值得重視與克服。在警察績效衡量指標,眾說紛云,有待釐訂。在平衡計分卡衡量指標建構上,依分析結果,可歸類為七個衡量指標。另個案機關現行管理中,在有限預算下平時即有員警常年訓練,已開始實施政府策略性績效評估制度,公文已電子化,訂有標準作業程序,引進ISO認證作業,重視為民服務,每年辦理民意調查,儼然已符合平衡計分卡四構面之策略目標,唯有個案機關欠缺加以整合,使之成為管理體系,如能在這方面努力,個案機關仍能在現況下實施平衡計分卡制度。 Since the end of 20th century, most countries in the world tried to carry out a reformation of government under the pressure of competition and totally changed of construction taking along with the globalized movement. They learned from civil companies.” Merit system” and “Strategy management” are required to satisfy the need of people and the change of environment. They have to design a preceding policy, and an objective method to assess accomplishment and the way of reward. So, our government practices “Merit Evaluation System” and “Merit Prize System” starting from 2002. The contents of these two systems include merit goal, strategy goal and measured index. To execute effectively on strategy goal is related to the success of merit management system. Therefore, the research tries to establish measured index by questionnaire. Accordingly, the thesis tries to apply The Balanced Scorecard into Chia-Yi police department. As a result of research, for the advantage of setting the Balanced Scorecard system into action, it is necessary to enhance the education program about the system and the goal of organization for employees. It have to be attached importance and overcome about the untrue report on crime happened under the pressure of merit request by officers. The opinions on police merit assessment system are so widely divided that integration is needed According to the result of analysis, there are seven measured indexes that have to be established in Balanced Scorecard. In Chia-Yi police department, the currently management of the department includes annual training, strategy merit evaluation system, document computerized, standard procedure, ISO recognized, public services, poll every year, etc. It fits the requirement of The Balanced Scorecard. Yet, it lacks of integration as a management system using some effort on the aspect, the department can apply the Balanced Scorecard surely. |