由於全球化、科技化的影響,所有的企業皆面臨如何調整自身的結構與經營模式,以因應瞬息萬變的全球競爭環境。特別是在我國加入WTO之後,除了面對中國大陸快速成長的壓力外,還必須面對全球性的競爭市場。這樣龐大的競爭壓力,對於國內的製造業來說,更是雪上加霜。若是仍然依循以往的經營模式而不做調整及採取因應措施,相信製造業倒閉、外移的現象勢必會持續增加。 知識管理是二十一世紀企業競爭與經營管理的重要策略。其將組織經驗視為企業的重要資產與核心能力的累積,並透過此來創造組織價值。本研究發現涼椅製造業對知識管理普遍感到陌生,對於實施知識管理的好處與重要性,無法確實了解。本研究建議涼椅製造業推行知識管理,可以由已有的ISO 9000系列的實施基礎出發,尋找出適合自己企業的流程,運用資訊技術來提升產業競爭力。 最後結論為涼椅製造業,應由最高管理階層強勢參與及領導,工作現場以「實做」出發。以企業核心業務為基礎,從體質改善著手,尋找內部流程電子化。而一個加強研發、創新、多角化經營的企業,將是涼椅製造業再造競爭優勢之關鍵。 In the effects of globalization and technology, all the enterprises are forced to adjust its organization and the model of management to interact with the changing environment. After Taiwan to be a member of WTO, Taiwan’s enterprises have to face threats from the other countries, especially mainland China. To local producing industries, there are huge pressures of competition. Industry shift and go out of business will be the merely solutions of business owner, if they manage their company as an old way. “Knowledge Management(KM)” play an important role of enterprises to enhance competition of business in the 21st century. Organization experiences are the essential assets of an enterprise. They accumulate from core capabilities and help enterprise to create its unique value. By the case of studies, Taiwan’s campstool manufacturing industries still don’t understand what they can get from the KM. Even it will bring many business benefits and opportunities. This paper suggests the campstool manufacturing industries should put KM into practice based on the existed ISO 9000 Quality Assurance System, find out an appropriated technological process to re-engineer themselves. We feel strongly that KM should be practiced in the leisure campstool manufacturing industries in order to increase competition. It is beginning from the producing lines and main business. It’s, therefore, that research and build up an extranet to be a bridge for communicator, will be the term to re-create advantages of competition of the leisure campstool manufacturing industries. Moreover, it needs the fully supported by the top manager.