發展政策在今日是歐盟對外關係3個基本組成之一,其餘2個是貿易和政治方面。歐盟是國際發展援助的主要行為者之一。其中歐盟和非加太國家的關係不但歷史最久且也最能一窺歐盟發展政策的全貌。早在1957年歐洲六個國家比利時、法國、西德、義大利、盧森堡、荷蘭簽訂「羅馬條約」(Treaty of Rome),成立「歐洲共同體」時,條約的第四部分單向地對法國、義大利、比利時從前或當時的非洲殖民地建立了一種「聯繫」(association)的形式。隨後歐體和法國前非洲殖民地所簽署的兩次雅溫得公約(Yaounde Convention, 1963-1975),後繼和ACP國家的得洛梅公約(Lome Convention, 1975-2000),直到2000年簽署的科多努協定(Cotonou Agreement),近乎半個世紀以來歐體和非加太國家始終維持著穩定及特殊的關係。 筆者在本文中,想試著去瞭解90年代後的全球化變遷對歐盟和非加太國家發展合作關係的影響及歐盟回應的理論意涵。歐盟回應究竟是揚棄過去現實主義援外的相對利益模式,或是進行政策調整,以順應全球化潮流隱含的新自由制度主義援外之絕對利益模式?這將影響歐盟在全球治理角色與權力的強化或弱化。 本文結論發現,90年代以來歐盟在面對與非家太國家的關係時,似乎是被動地往順應全球化的貿易自由化和政治民主化的方向轉變,且歐盟政策仍較符合現實主義家族「相對利益」的特色。筆者認為由於90年代後總體環境的變化實隱含「絕對利益」的概念,歐盟未能及時轉變其援外決策模式,是使其無法主動回應全球化及民主化的主因,也會導致歐盟在全球治理中角色和權力的弱化,使其對國際環境的變遷缺乏之積極形塑的能力。 Development policy is today one of the three principal components of the EU's external action, alongside trade policy and the political dimension. The European Union is one of the major actors in international co-operation and developmentassistance. This is observable from the association agreements of Yaoundé I and II between the European Communities and former French colonies in Africa (1963-1975), throughout the successive ACP-EU Lomé Conventions (1975-2000), unto the recent Partnership Agreement signed in Cotonou (2000). The purpose of this thesis is to how globalization effected the relations between EU and ACP countries and the EU’s responses after 1990’s. The EU’s responses continued the decision model of “relative gains” or adjust the policy to orientate “absolute gains” under the globalization? This will effects the EU’s role and power to strengthen or to weakness in global governance. Finally, I found that the EU’s policy towards ACP countries seems passive to shift to trade liberalization and democratization, just to fit in with “relative gains” based on realism. I suggest the globalization implied a general idea of “absolute gains”, because the EU couldn’t conversion it’s decision model so that it couldn’t response the transition of trade liberalization and democratization. This will also made the role and power of the EU decline in global governance and influenced the capability to shape the international environment.