歐洲聯盟在朝著政治統合的努力過程中是屢遇挫折。及至1993年馬斯垂克條約生效,共同外交暨安全政策被納入歐盟架構內,成為歐洲聯盟的三大支柱以來,從歐洲聯盟處理重大國際事件看來,歐洲聯盟推展共同外交暨安全政策的功效始終不大。 歐盟共同外交暨安全政策的決策運作不同於歐洲共同體本身,採取政府間主義方式,因涉及國家主權與各會員國間利益不等,使得決策效率向來不佳,進而影響歐洲聯盟在國際舞台上的的實行成果不盡理想。有鑒於此,阿姆斯特丹條約及尼斯條約皆對共同外交暨安全政策進行體制改革,不論在組織機構或決策運作等各方面,都不斷地進行檢討與改進,期能使作為歐洲聯盟第二支柱的共同外交暨安全政策發揮最大功效。然則基本問題依舊存在,對於2003年發生的美伊戰爭,歐盟各國立場嚴重分歧,使歷經體制改革過後的共同外交暨安全政策問題重現。 本論文目的在於探討歐盟發展共同外交暨安全政策之歷史沿革與體制改革之動因及內涵,進而以歐盟對2003年美伊戰爭立場為例,檢視共同外交暨安全政策歷經體制改革之後的成效並提出未來展望。 The European Union (EU) has suffered frustrations repeatedly whiling stepping hard towards the political integration. Until the Maastricht Treaty came into effect in 1993, the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) has been brought into the framework of the EU and become one of the three pillars of the EU structure. However, the efficacy of the CFSP is limited while observing the activities of the CFSP in the major international affairs. Since the nature of the structure and operation of the CFSP differs from the EC’s, the cooperation of the EU states in the CFSP field is intergovernmental. The CFSP issues always touch on national sovereignty and divergent interests of member states, and therefore the efficiency of the policy-making is apt to be lowered and then it affects the presentation of the EU on the international stage. In view of this, the EU tried to improve the structure of the CFSP in both the Amsterdam Treaty and the Nice Treaty. Nevertheless, the essential problems remain and on the US-Iraq crisis in 2003, the positions of the EU states diverge even more seriously than ever. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the development of the CFSP as well as the agents and the contents of its structural reforms, and then examine the effect of the structural reforms by exampling the EU positions to US-Iraq war in 2003 and take a glance into the future.