本文以日常生活的角度看都市中的產業街道,並以水果為研究之「物」,水果的人為研究對象,以歷史脈絡做概要性描述,試圖從時間向度時代演變中尋找現今環境形成的意義。透過事件的回溯,了解時間的流動所演變的歷程。並以水果街賴以維生的產業結構為主軸,串聯空間與場所的意義。 本文的研究內容,共可分三個主要部分,其內容概述如下: (一) 以都市史的角度探討日常生活的現象,討論都市形塑的歷史脈絡 (二) 以水果的日常生活出現的消費狀況了解,水果的社會意涵 (三) 以日常生活裡的自我表演討論酒家、商行的戲劇表演 總而言之,本文企圖以質性研究的方式,來貼近都市的發展,企圖整理出都市的日常生活經驗,探索生活空間的意義。期望本研究對於未來第二市場整頓計畫有正面的幫助,給專業設計者一些醒思的空間,刺激台中市在地者更多發掘都市情調的想像力,發揮台中的都會特質 Taichung is a city near one hundred years ago. The current city planning was started form Japan period. The thesis discusses that form fruit perspective point of view to understand city histories. From daily life events to realize environment changes. From fruit street to look for the meaning of the places. In this study three issues have dealt with and discussed: (1)The establishment of city histories and the form of city discuss the everyday life. (2)Fruit is a part of commodity. From this part point of view to understand everyday life. (3)From the presentation of self in the everyday life to discusses night club and retail store. The study aims to reach a deep understanding of everyday life experiences. How is social life influence city spaces? Also The Study analyzed the significance, the internal social mechanism and the processes of how society changes.