摘要: | 本論文以大林糖廠為主要的切入對象,探討鄉鎮層級「空間現代性」之發展。「現代性」意指發展於十七世紀以降的歐洲,以科學、工具理性、進步、革新為至高價值所形成的社會組織、社會制度與生活方式,成為近代西方文明的特性。源自於歐洲的西方現代性,以殖民主義與資本主義作為動力,進一步向全球擴張,成為當今世界上最強勢、最具支配性的社會價值體系。就台灣的歷史發展過程來看,日治時期日本在台灣所進行的基礎建設與統治,同時也仲介了西方現代性進入台灣,是為台灣的「殖民現代性」。 大林是一位於嘉南平原北端的小鎮,西元1909年,來自日本東京的資本家籌集龐大資本,在城鎮北端設立一座新式製糖廠-新高製糖株式會社嘉義(大林)工場。在機能上,這是一個提供生產、居住、娛樂、文教、醫療等功能的職住混和型社區;在空間組織上,這是一個由現代規劃技術打造的幾何性空間,具高度秩序性且層級分明,呈現迥然不同於大林傳統聚落的空間脈落與地景;在生產方式上,它取代了地方上規模小但為數眾多的傳統糖廍,以機械化大量生產的優勢成了壟斷的生產者。就大林而言,新高製糖廠的設立,開啟了大林的現代性發展之路。光復後,這套發展價值被延續下來,成為公部門主要的發展依據與想像。 現代性除了是一種制度上的變革,它同時也改變了日常生活的實質。藉由對大林糖廠日常生活的微觀注視,除了為糖廠人留下集體記憶、建構其型塑自我認同的機制,更可理出台灣自日治時期以來的現代性發展經驗,並用以對鄉鎮的現代性發展進行反思與辨證。當我們依賴現代性的發展方案為地方帶來經濟發展的同時,也必須面對現代性的流動本質,當經濟結構改變,現代性之生產體系也將隨之遷移,硬生生消失在地方的生活脈落裡,無法深化與累積。 糖廠由盛而衰以及慈濟醫院、南華大學進入大林的歷程,成了勾勒近代大林發展軌跡的初步框架。現代性展現的強勢力量,不僅使得地域性的傳統風俗、文化逐漸流失,同時也扼抑了鄉鎮主體性與民間自主力量的生成。在高度現代性的社會裡,這樣的狀態將削弱地方競爭力,成為地方發展的一大隱憂。 This thesis is a research on the development of spatial modernity on the town level of Dah-lin sugar factory. Beginning in Europe in the 17 century, there appeared a characteristic western civilization, namely, with science, instrumental rationality and progress as its primary aims, they formed new forms of social structure, social systems and ways of living. And that is what is meant here by modernity. Originating from European modernity and motivated by colonialism and capitalism, they expanded their power over most parts of the world, becoming the most powerful and dominating value system of the world. In the same way, the Japanese rule and construction of Taiwan introduced western modernity into Taiwan, which became the colonial modernity of Taiwan. In 1909 some capitalists from Tokyo raised some capital to set up a sugar factory-- Shin-kao Sugar Company, Dah-lin Factory-- at Dah-lin, a small town in the northern part of Chia-nan Plane. It was a form of mixture community. In function, it provided production, residence, recreation, education and medical service. In view of layout, it was a geometrical space created by modern planning. It therefore was highly orderly and quite distinct in estate, totally different from the context and landscape of the traditional community. In production, with the mechanical efficiency it took the place of most of the small sugar works of the area, and became the dominating sugar maker. It paved the way of modernization of Dah-lin. After the Restoration from Japan, development continued, and was the guidance basis of following planning for the government. Modernity is not just a change of the old system, it is also a change in the ways of life. Through research and observation of the everyday life of Dah-lin Sugar Factory, I hope to keep their collective memory, build the mechanism of their self-identity, show the modernity experience since the Restoration, and do the reflexivity of modernity of town level. When we try to depend on modernity program to secure economical progress, we must at the same time face the flowing character of modernity. Modern production system will change with the change of economical structure: with modern production system will disappear from local living context, unable to get deeper hold or culminate With sugar production declined and big sized hospital –such as Tzu Chi—or Nan Hua University established, a grand frame of development has emerged. With its invincible power, modernity has checked the continuity of folk culture and tradition, subjectivity on the town level and people autonomy. In a society of high modernity, all these weaken the local competitive power, threatening its development. |