自921集集大地震之後,台灣對於自然災難對政府部門造成的衝擊與危機相關研究開始展開,災害管理概念成形,這樣的管理概念對於身為第一線防災機關的地方政府組織’,勢必更為重要,在台灣,官僚制度的設計上地方政府雖基於地方制度法授權取得地方事務自治權,但是在財源籌措、人事任免等,卻由中央掌握。這樣的體制設計對於地方政府災害搶救上的功能運作產生何種效應? 本論文試著從地方政府組織功能的觀點出發,透過救災過程相關部門分工的描述,呈現出地方政府在防災工作中的角色定位與防災工作的缺失。另一方面,台北市是台灣的首都,其都市防災資源的調配和取得相較於台灣其餘縣市較為充裕,但九十年發生的納莉颱風事件,卻暴露出台北市政府對於都市防災的重大缺失,本論文將以災害四階段為時間分野,重建當時台北市政府管理的過程,並提出相關部門的缺失,作為台灣地方政府面臨自然災害時防災工作的借鏡。隨著災害的增加都市防災概念漸形重要,公共政策制定如何與工程技術結合將是未來的整合趨勢。也是未來研究的方向。 Following chi-chi earthquake of Taiwan, scholars and governmental authorities considered disaster management is a crucial issue. According the law of local government, local government possess autonomy about local affairs,but financial and personnel matters are limited by central government. This study based on local government’s function view and investigated the role of local government in disaster crisis. In addition, Taipei the capital town in Taiwan that resources of Emergency are plenty of others. However, Nayi typhoon brings about torrential rain for Taipei basin. In process of solving disaster crisis, bureaucracy is overloads with disasters. The present study focuses on analysis of the problems about Taipei city hall dealing with nature disaster. From previous example, urban disaster protection wills more impartment, how to link up with engineer technology and public policy is research direction in the future.