摘要: | 由於台灣圖書出版市場太小,再加上進入WTO,資本強大的集團業者紛紛加入,對台灣的圖書出版業者造成莫大的衝擊,為求生存必需尋求各種經營策略,以期達到良好的經營績效及生存發展空間。 本研究將圖書出版業的出版類別分為一般大眾書、專業工具書、教科書、考試用書、幼兒及兒童讀物、其他類等六種出版類別,以Miles & Snow (1978)之經營策略類型將各出版類別之圖書出版業者分為分析型、防禦型、前瞻型、反應型四種,再根據Kaplan & Norton(1990)提出之平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard)觀點,以財務、顧客、企業內部流程及學習成長四構面做為績效評估之工具,探究各出版類別之圖書出版業者採用不同經營策略之經營績效其差異為何?對各經營績效指標之重視程度其差異為何?又對經營績效指標之滿意程度其差異為何?資料分析工具使用卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析及Scheffe多重比較分析。 本研究所得結論如下: 1.圖書出版類型、經營策略與投資規模三者之間並無顯著差異。 2.出版一般大眾書與專業工具書,採用不同之經營策略,對經營績效指標之重視程度差異不顯著;出版其他類書採用不同之經營策略,對經營績效指標之重視程度無顯著差異;出版教科書與考試用書者,採用不同之經營策略,對經營績效指標之重視程度有顯著差異。 3.出版專業工具書者採用不同之經營策略,對經營績效指標之滿意程度無顯著差異;出版一般大眾書、教科書與考試用書、其他類者,採用不同之經營策略,對經營績效指標之滿意程度有顯著之差異。 Due to the market share of books in Taiwan does not reach large scale and Taiwan has joined in WTO, the conglomerates come to the market one by one. That has impacted the publishing market in Taiwan significantly. To survive, the publishers have to look for various management strategy to achieve excellent performances. This research classifies the publishers into six types, i.e. general public, references, textbooks, examination books, children readings and others. With the management strategy issued by Miles & Snow (1978), we group publishes into four types: analyzer, defender, prospector and reactor. And Kaplan & Norton’s Balanced Scorecard, which including financial perspectives, internal business process, innovation and learning, customer, is used to explore the differences in their management strategy by Chi-Square test and ANOVA. Following are conclusions: 1.There is no significant difference between publishing types, management strategy and scale of investment. 2.Publishers of public books and references with distinct management strategy have no significant differences in emphasis of performances. It has the same result in publishing other books, but there are significant differences in textbooks and exam books. 3.Adopting different management strategy for publishing references has no significant differences in satisfaction of performance. But it has significant difference in publishing general public books, textbooks, exam books and others. |