在網路時代各行業均面臨極大的衝擊,出版業也不例外。網路書店在爭取商機愈益白熱化的今日,最關心的課題在於廣大的上網瀏覽族群是否產生購物的行為。本研究目的在於探討科技消費學在網路書店的適用性,希望對網路書店的行銷策略有所助益。 本研究問卷經過前測的修正後,採立意取樣的方式,以文化大學在學生為調查對象,回收有效問卷797份。使用因素分析、信度分析、描述性分析、T檢定法、單因子變異數分析等統計方法,研究結果發現:在人口變項方面,男性科技態度較女性高,理工學院的學生之科技態度也高於其他學院。科技態度與網路購物行為沒有顯著差異,但其中「科技認知的程度」較高者,平均單次購買金額較高;「對科技的興趣感」較高者與「價值評定」較高者均對網路書店購物較滿意。 The impacts of the Internet have been on all kinds of business, including publishing corporations. Nowadays, the so-called Internet bookstores companies are facing a lot of competitions, one of which comes from whether people would like to purchase products through these on-line stores. This study is to understand the possible causal relationships between the technology attitude and consumer behavior on the Internet and thus hopes to provide advice about marketing strategies to the Internet bookstore companies. The analyses of the self-administered questionnaires to 797 college students in a northern university revealed that only minor differences was found between the technology attitude and consumer behavior on the Internet. However, it did show that students who were highly interested in new technology or had easy access to technology instruments tended to purchase products through the Internet bookstores and felt satisfied with them.