同儕評閱自第二次世界大戰後普及後,已成為學術與期刊品質控制機制之設計與處理程序,亦是決定期刊的聲譽以及文獻品質之制度。以傳統紙本方式運作的同儕評閱制度在行之有年後產生許多問題,部份問題在受到電子期刊出版、電腦資訊及網路科技等相關技術的發明及影響得以解決,近十數年來甚至積極開發專業電子化同儕評閱(EPR)管理系統進行同儕評閱流程管理,亦為同儕評閱發展帶來新視野。 本研究的主要目的是進行國內學術期刊同儕評閱電子化的研究,為達此目的,首先必須先針對歐美國家同儕評閱電子化發展進行文獻整理及分析,確定其發展模式後,以之為研究基礎及標準,進行國內學術期刊同儕評閱電子化發展現況調查。調查的內容包括以傳統同儕評閱流程電子化的比例、電子化的程度、國內期學術刊出版社採用電子化同儕評閱(EPR)系統的比例、發展現況,以及學術期刊出版社對該議題的看法,確定國內技術移轉意願,最後提出國內電子化同儕評閱系統建構之建議。 研究結果顯示歐美國家電子化同儕評閱(EPR)仍持續成長,國內部份的實證研究結果顯示國內學術期刊同儕評閱的發展與歐美國家相仿,亦是由傳統同儕評閱流程歷經部份流程及全部流程電子化,於2003年左右邁入電子化同儕評閱(EPR)發展雛型階段,其中部份流程電子化程度已超過七成、全部流程電子化比例接近一成八,邁入電子化同儕評閱(EPR)發展雛型階段的期刊種數有二種。然與歐美國家發展相較,國內的發展遠遠落後歐美國家十至十四年左右。另外,國內學術期刊出版社對電子化同儕評閱技術轉移意願頗高,然對實施的必要性看法較趨於保守。最後根據研究結果提出建議供國內學術期刊出版社及後續研究者參酌。 Since World War II, peer review has become not only the quality control mechanism but also the critical determinant of reputation for scholarly journals. Although there are various problems peer review system encounter under the text printed circumstance, some of them have been conquered by the introduction of electronic journal and the development on computer information and internet technology. The professional electronic peer review system (EPR) developed in recent few decades has transported the peer review to a new field. This study mainly aims to investigate the development of electronic peer review in Taiwan. The development of electronic peer review in foreign countries, especially Europe and U.S.A., is reviewed and furthermore utilized to construct the conceptual framework of the research. A survey on the development of EPR for scholarly journals in Taiwan was conducted. The study results reveal the developing course of EPR in Taiwan is in line with the experience of foreign countries. The course consists three phases: Phase I: traditional peer review, Phase II: partially or fully electrified process of peer review, and Phase III: electronic peer review. The percentages of the journals surveyed adopt partial electrified and fully electrified process of peer review are 70% and 18% respectively, while only 2 journals has implemented ERP. With comparison to foreign countries, a time lag of 10 -14 years exists for Taiwan scholarly journals in adopting EPR. In addition, the journals surveyed express their strong interest in adopting EPR, while the necessity of implementing EPR seems not quite urgent. Some suggestions to the scholarly journal publishers and researchers are also made in the study.