二十一世紀是知識經濟的時代,面對全球化、國際化台灣的圖書出版業將面臨強大的競爭壓力,要如何堅持出版活動本質並保有持續的競爭力,就如同長程的帆船競賽,一方面要應付複雜多變的海象,一方面要應付競爭者的競爭,還要協調駕駛團隊共同努力以打敗競爭者。 由五力分析結果圖書出版業因為投入資金不多,且多屬個人行為,既沒有進入障礙也沒有退出障礙,因此,競爭必然白熱化。議價能力也很薄弱,數位出版與網路書店網路出版的加入,虛擬出版形成潛在競爭者對於實體出版是否構成壓力,值得觀察。圖書商品化逐漸明顯,「魅力品質」重於「出版內容品質」。由於大陸圖書價格相對於台灣,價格低很多,未來欲取得競爭優勢,降低成本是策略思考之方向。市場集中度低,沒有一家出版社可以左右市場的競爭態勢。顯現出圖書出版產業競爭激烈。台灣圖書出版業者由於多年的經驗,比較容易掌握經驗曲線,創作的差異化,將是未來建構進入障礙的重要策略,面對未來在華文圖書市場大陸業者的競爭,台灣出版業應作更精細的定位。 Twenty-first century is an epoch of knowledge economy. Publish Industry in Taiwan is doomed to encounter strong pressure of competition in the face of globalization and internationalization. The task of retaining the original nature of publishing activities and to sustain persistent competitivity at the same time is analogous to a long-term sailing race, in which competitors should focus partly on the fickle and unpredictable marine weather, partly on the competition itself, and still partly on the coordination of the entire team, which is critical for defeating others. The result of human-recourse analysis reveals that publishers have little hindrance in both entering and withdraw from the industry, as its investment is relatively small, and its activities mostly classified as personal behaviours; which is doomed to result in fervent competition and little ground for negotiation. Whether virtual publications, such as digital publishers or on-line bookstores, constitute any potential pressure to traditional publishing society is still be to decided.