摘要: | 兩岸分治五十年來,台灣始終未能脫離戰爭的威脅,近年來中共因經濟發展快速,綜合國力不斷提升,復以其積極擴建軍力,均已對我國的生存與發展構成嚴重威脅。 現代戰爭因科技的快速發展,使戰爭型態亦隨之產生革命性的變化,從近年發生的戰爭來看,戰爭不再是軍人的專利,而是全體國民共同的責任,同時戰爭也不是軍力決鬥,而是全國民心、士氣與精神力量的總對決。 全民國防在於平時結合各級政府施政,完成人力、物力及戰力綜合準備;戰時統合民間力量,支援軍事作戰。要使全民發揮無形戰力,必須要透過一定的手段與程序,這種程序便是「精神動員」。探究精神動員的方式是喚起民眾憂患意識,落實全民心防,端正社會風氣,建構生命共同體,擴展愛鄉、愛國之心胸,消弭統獨族群爭議,建立正確敵情觀念。這些重點工作正與第三部門旨在提昇台灣公民社會的內涵與品質,實踐社會公義的目標正不謀而合,透過公民意識的培養與凝塑,提昇人民自我覺醒、集結社會的多元化與充沛的民間力量。個人期望能在國家安全戰略規劃中,建構第三部門在國家安全的角色與功能,具體將國家整體資源作整體探討,社會資源民物力運用清楚釐清,以試圖提出第三部門今後對國軍建軍備戰的具體建議。 在台灣這塊土地上,我們陸續走過了經濟起飛、政治解嚴和社會運動風起雲湧的歲月,在這充滿痛苦與希望的變遷浪潮中,質量與時俱進、豐沛茁發的第三部門組織,逐漸成為引領台灣社會進步的一股重要力量。期待政府、企業與第三部門間能建立起相輔相成的合作關係,結合社會所有力量,共同建設台灣成為一個富有人性尊嚴、活力、公義與和平的國家。 After 50 years of separation, Taiwan cannot yet escape from the threat of the war. Because of the economic development, comprehensive national strength growth, and military force expansion, the mainland China has been a greater threat to Taiwan in recent years. The fast development of science and technology make the war type has been changed revolutionarily. Of the recent years, the war does not only belong to soldiers, but belong to the whole citizens. Meanwhile the war is not only decided by the military strength, but the support of popular morale and the spirit. The All-out Defense lies in combining the all-level government administrations at ordinary times and completing a comprehensive preparation of the manpower, material resources and war capability. At the wartime it lies in integrating a civil strength to support military battles. To make exertive and invisible war capability of all the people, the certain means and procedure, which is so-called" spirit mobilizes", must be completed. The way that investigates a spirit to mobilize is to arouse the disaster consciousness, carrying out a All-out Defense regular social values, constructing a body of life, expanding to love a country, patriotic of mind, quelling a only the ethnicity disputes, and building up a right condition of the enemy idea. These works and the third sector aim to promote the content and quality of the Taiwanese citizen society, to target that practices the social justice is agreeing without previous consultation, to make the citizen to realize their responsibility, to promote diversified and abundant civil strength that the people feel come to, and then to gather these social power. My expectation is to construct, within the national security strategy program, the role and function of third sector, inquire into the functions of NGOs in this area, distinguish social resource and material resources, and try to put forward the third section to set up some concrete suggestions to the military department from. In Taiwan, we had walked through an economic developing process, political democratization these years of the like rising winds and surging clouds. In this change the third sector organization becomes important strength to lead Taiwan society to forward step. We expect that government, enterprise and the third section can build up together. Under such cooperation, Taiwan can finally become a nation that is rich in human nature dignity, vitality, justice and peace. |