長久以來,校園中「軍訓教官」的角色定位與功能,一直為眾人所討論,特別是自解嚴以後,我國一躍成為現代化的民主國家,軍訓工作更一度成為教育界爭論不已的焦點。然而,事實證明,在我國教育工作的進程中,『軍訓工作』不僅在維護校園秩序的功能上扮演首要的角色,也在當前校園多元發展過程中,承擔了更多艱辛卻又不足為外人道的責任。然而,許多校園事件的產生,除了突顯出這些默默在校園耕耘的『軍訓教育工作者』,在許多教育事務的處理態度上的甘苦,更反映出該領域中資源與人力不足的窘境。 本論文集針對目前軍訓工作重要的項目(校園安全、學生生活輔導、公民教育等•••),剖析其內容以及主要窒礙難行之處,並從這些論述中,申論出這些工作仍需補強之處,然後,再緣此導出「非政府組織」(NGO)或稱為「非營利組織」(NPO)對軍訓工作具有助益之處,尤其是這些民間團體所具備的組織特性與特殊專業功能,更能與軍訓工作者在許多校園事務的面向上,形成相輔相成的作用,對校園整體的發展有著長遠的效益。 最後,本論文更提例國內數個在「功能性」上與校園軍訓工作較為緊密的基金會,作為本研究的有利例證,並以這些例證,歸納、分析出當今校園軍訓工作中極需精進改善的地方,以及仍有待彼等民間社團機構協助處理之處。 The role and function of “military training instructor” have long been discussed by the public. Especially after the lifting of the martial law, Taiwan turned into advanced democratic country, and military training education became a focus of dispute in the education field. However, from the facts, military training education has not only played the important role of maintaining campus disciplines, but also taken many difficult responsibilities in the development of diverse campuses. The occurrence of campus incidents not only shows the difficult and arduous works dedicated by the silent workers of military training education, but also reflects the plight of insufficient manpower and resources in this field. This thesis aims to identify the main difficult issues of important items of current military training education (campus safety, student life counseling, civilian education…). From the discussions, we explain the weakness that need to be strengthened; then identify the benefits of NGOs or NPOs to the military training education. Particularly, the characteristics and professional functions possessed by these civilian organizations can complement to the defects of military training education. These organizations are beneficial to the overall long-term development of campus. Finally, this thesis cites several foundations that are “functionally” close related to military training education. Using these foundations as examples, I summarize and analyze the weakness that need urgent improvements in the contemporary military training education. The necessary assistance provided by civilian organizations and institutions is also identified