在臺灣晚近的教育改革綱領中,提出所謂教師專業自主權的原則,然而這樣的原則能否確立?是否會因為既存結構的影響使這項原則落空呢?在既存結構中,教育系統中的行政管理部門能否接納教師專業自主權的原則呢?教育系統中的行政管理部門的代表就是校長,而校長的權力與教師專業自主權是否存有扞格?本研究的目的就是要指出此種扞格的可能性與性質。 本文透過對國小教師的深入訪談,結果發現:從校長權力運用的方式來看,校長可能採取直接權力訴求;透過不同意識與方式間接對教師施壓;藉著中間幹部的傳遞,或運用群體的壓力,以遂行權力。 除了與校長權力行使有扞格之外,包括教師在教室活動、校級活動的參與及教師團體組織的活動情形等方面,都存在阻礙教師專業自主的影響因素。可知教師專業自主的實現還有待教育改革的繼續努力,與政府政策面的實際落實來相配合。 There is a principle of teacher’s professional autonomy held in the proposal of the current educational reform in Taiwan. However, can it be realized practically? Could it be that the existed structural factors make the principle empty? Could the administrative management sector of the educational system allow this principle to be realized? Is it possible that there is a dilemma between power of school principal and teachers’ professional autonomy? In-depth interviews were undertaken in the study. Some teachers of a primary school and the school’s principal were interviewed. The results show that the principal may use many kinds of ways to control teachers, such as: use power directly, control the agenda of meeting, use indirect means to form pressure on teachers, use cadres to control, etc. Other factors may influence realization of teacher’s autonomy, such as the activity in class, the situation of school-level activity involvement and participation of organizations of teachers’ group, etc. It seems that realization of teacher’s professional autonomy still needs a lot of efforts.