近年來,由於中國大陸與東南亞國家紛紛投入IC製造產業,使得全球IC製造產能急速擴增,然而在全球IC需求並沒有同步增加之下,產業存在著供給過剩的問題。在此情況之下,造成廠商間採取低價競爭策略,導致部分廠商退出該市場,而廠商的退出亦誘使潛在競爭者的進入機會,在此外在環境的改變下,將導致產業結構產生變化,進而將影響我國IC製造業的廠商生產力。本研究實證之目的在於估計我國IC製造業生產函數之參數,以估計結果分析廠商生產力的變化及投入要素與產出的關聯性。根據實證結果顯示,資本投入、研發支出與廠商年齡增加對廠商產出都具有正向的顯著影響,且在樣本期間IC製造廠商的規模報酬為遞增;專業晶圓代工廠商的生產力普遍高於整合元件廠商的平均生產力;產業結構的改變將使得廠商生產力下降,而個別廠商生產力亦隨產業結構的改變而下降。 China and Southeast Asia countries, such as Singapore, Philippine, and Malaysia, have aggressively invested in fabrication capacities in the IC manufacturing industry over the last decade. However, the global demand for IC does not pick up at the same pace which results in a serious overcapacity, thus leading to a great deal of entry and exit in the industry. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the productivity of Taiwanese IC manufacturing firms changes during this worldwide industrial restructuring. To achieve this goal, we estimate the parameters of a production function for the IC manufacturing industry of Taiwan, and then use those estimates to analyze the evolution of productivity. The empirical results show that capital investments, R&D expenditures, and age have a significant, positive contribution to firms’ sales, respectively. The IC manufacturers display an increasing return to scale during the sample period; among them, the foundry firms generally have a higher average productivity than that of the IDM. Finally, the productivity of Taiwanese IC manufacturers appears to have declined during this worldwide industrial restructuring.