個案公司目前的專業知識散佈於各單位或個人,員工獲取知識的管道不一,各業務的專業知識亟待整合,以利公司經驗的傳承、分享與管理。本研究目的是製作知識分佈圖系統匯整組織的知識,使公司員工瞭解組織有哪些知識項目及其分佈地點,幫助員工於需要某項專業知識時,透過知識分佈圖的搜尋,得到想要的知識來源。 本研究以知識分佈圖建構相關文獻,作為系統發展理論依據,並配合知識管理個人化與整理策略來建立知識分佈圖系統。經由內部訪談,來確定知識分佈圖系統的目標及架構,並根據問卷匯整組織中重要的知識項目,以定義知識分佈圖中知識物件。 本研究所建構的知識分佈圖系統,可以將組織的知識分類、儲存,並有系統地累積組織的知識,以及將員工的經驗或知識分享至組織成員之間,促動組織知識分享的環境。另外,本系統也可幫助組織成員瞭解知識在組織的分佈情形;提供多樣的搜尋方式,使得組織成員減少知識搜尋時間,快速找到能夠提供解決問題的知識擁有者請求協助。 Today, the professional knowledge of Chunghwa Telecom is spread around the departments, it is impossible for the employees to acquire the knowledge without the help of using the information system. It is necessary for the company to construct a knowledge map system which could be utilized to manage and integrate this kind of valuable knowledge. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to build a knowledge map system with a user friendly interface and solve the problem. The proposed knowledge map system is constructed by performing interior interview and making a series of questionnaires to the employees inside the company. The proposed system could not only assist the employees to obtain the knowledge what they want, but also distribute the interested knowledge quickly and easily. In addition, the proposed has the merits of enhancing the compatibility capability of the company as well as obtaining the possibility of running a business for good. Two goals are achieved by the proposed system. First, the knowledge of the company is classified, stored, and accumulated systematically. In other words, the knowledge and experience of the employees could be shared effectively in the company. Second, the proposed system provides an effective manner to help the employees who could easily locate and realize where the interested knowledge is.