隨著網際網路蓬勃發展,網站的數量呈現驚人的成長速度。但網路上網站資源的品質上是良莠不齊的,因此,有必要對網站的品質進行評鑑。由於教育部補助全國國中小學,使得所有國民小學皆擁有學校網站。為充實學校網站與網際網路上的資訊與內容,各單位都曾經辦理校園網站建置競賽。但由於各項比賽評分的方式與標準不一,以及在進行評鑑時,通常都是在主觀且模糊的環境下進行,一個好的評鑑模式必須面對這些議題。因此本研究整理並探討國小網站評鑑準則,並且應用模糊理論與分析層級程序法來建立國小網站評鑑的模式,以供網站評選決策之參考。 本研究使用模糊德菲法(Fuzzy Delphi)篩選網站評鑑準則。將篩選後較重要的準則,應用Saaty的「分析層級程序法」(AHP)求算出網站評鑑準則的權重值,再由專家應用模糊語意變數加以評鑑,並整理出網站之優劣。透過三個實際運作的國小網站,以驗證本研究評鑑模式之可行性。 研究結果顯示,模糊德菲法可以整合專家意見,節省問卷施做次數,從過多的網站評鑑準則中篩選出重要的評鑑準則。利用分析層級程序法簡單且結果易使人瞭解的特性,結合『模糊理論』的方法,使得決策考慮更為周詳。本研究之國小網站評鑑模式可供國小網站評鑑與設計時之參考。 The number of websites grows continuously with the rapid development of Internet; however the qualities of website resources are not always good. So, it’s necessary to evaluate the websites. With the full economic support from the Ministry of Education, every elementary school creates own websites. There are also many competitions held for the creations of these websites, encouraging each elementary school to enrich their websites with more content and information. However, each competition evaluates the websites with different standards and the evaluation is usually done under a subjective and fuzzy environment. These are the problems a good evaluation method has to solve. The above reasons lead to this research which focuses on rearranging and discussing the method for the evaluation of elementary school websites. Using fuzzy set theory and Analytic Hierarchy Process to create a standard method for evaluating elementary website which can be a referral for future evaluations. The study aimed at developing the evaluation model of website by exploring the evaluation criteria of three chosen elementary schools. The Fuzzy Delphi method was integrated to form a set of the model of website evaluation for the reference of website. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was also used. After condensing some criteria, we constructed the hierarchical structure of determining key capabilities for campus websites. The concepts of fuzzy number and linguistic variables were used to assess the indicator ratings of linguistic variables, importance and appropriateness for ranking websites. Through the above hierarchy integration, we tested the final scores of capabilities through three chosen elementary school websites in Chia-Yi City, Taiwan. The research indicted that Fuzzy Delphi method integrates scholars' and experts' opinions, saved time of questionnaire survey and filtered the criteria of website evaluation. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method applied with proper understanding and Fuzzy Delphi method provides decision-makers more details of websites. So, this study of elementary school evaluation model may provide their opinions on evaluation and design of website.