國軍目前後勤管體系尚有改進之處,本研究提出一個以減少成本、提高效率及降低風險的裝備生命週期考量思維,參考「軍備壽期資訊管理」(Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support,CALS)策略理論。結合多重代理人技術的整合性後勤資訊管理系統架構概念,並透過一個簡單的採購系統之案例和研發案例來展現本研究所提之系統架構可行性。在CALS策略標準的實施下,建立一個整合後勤、採購、研發和使用相關資料的整合性資料庫(Integrate Database,IDB),以MAS技術建立的整合性後勤資訊管理系統(Joint Logistics Information Management System,J-LIMS),為未來發展國防後勤資訊管理系統參考,希望能提升我國軍戰力,提供電子化、標準化及快速回應的國軍後勤。 After reviewing the current state for our military logistics management, there is the chance to imporve or enhance the capability from the strategies, techniques and total solution. Especially, the cost down, efficiency enhancement and risks reduction should be taken into consideration for the thinking about the weapons’ lifecycle. Hence, in this study, an architecture incorporating the multi-agent system technique (MAS) into the military logistics management based on continuous acquisition and life-cycle support (CALS) strategy was developed. The logistic concept and the analysis procedure of such architecture were mentioned in detailed. Besides, two illustrative examples, the first one is the case of purchasing and second is the case of research & development (R&D), are provided in this study to demonstrate effectiveness of the analytic procedure. A communication language, Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML), will be employed to achieving communication between the intelligent agents. A Joint Logistics Information Management System (J-LIMS), to our military logistics management according to the hardware/software infrastructure and corresponding strategy is developed in this study. The combat strength should be enhanced, the capability of quick response and electronics and standardization should be improved by using the proposed architecture. It can be taken as a reference for defense decision making.