摘要: | 顧客滿意度在服務業中一直為企業經營者與所屬的人員所重視也成為其業績推展上相當重要的成功指標之一。相對於製造業則認為擁有傲人的技術水準及豐厚的財力背景,所生產出來的產品一定會供不應求。時至今日高科技產業的蓬勃發展競爭愈趨激烈,則產品本身的優越性將不是唯一的考量要素,如何了解顧客並滿足顧客的需求將是企業經營者與所屬人員共識的話題。然高科技產業亦不僅僅憑藉顧客滿意度,亦需有其他條件的配合,如新產品研發,延續公司命脈的力量,提升與建立優質的形象亦是重要的話題,隨著經濟體系大環境的變動市場價格也成為競爭的手段之一,然是否會影響顧客終身價值的建立與發展,將於本研究中呈現。 本研究旨在了解高科技產業的顧客滿意度、形象策略、新產品研發對顧客終身價值的影響性。本研究採用問卷調查法以台灣地區發光二極體封裝廠為探討對象,共發出450份問卷,回收210份 ,剔除無效問卷7份,有效問卷共203份。並就問卷分析所得結果與四家公司的經營者進行深度訪談,藉以探究經營者是否也有對等的看法或規劃。 本研究之假設分為三類:一是個人特徵、企業特徵與各變項間的差異,二是變項間的相關性,三是變項間的影響關係。使用的統計方法有因素分析、信度分析、描述性統計、T檢定與單因子變異數分析、相關分析及迴歸分析。 本研究主要發現如下: 1. 高科技產業的個人特徵(性別、年齡、部門、年資、教育程度、職稱)對企業特徵(資本額、營業額、員工人數)對顧客滿意度、形象策略、新產品研發、顧客終身價值及市場價格知覺有顯著差異。 2. 高科技產業在顧客滿意度、形象策略、新產品研發、顧客終身價值及市場價格各研究變項之間都有顯著相關。 3. 高科技產業的顧客滿意度、形象策略、新產品研發對顧客終身價值有部份顯著影響。 本研究依據上述結論,分別對發光二極體封裝廠經營者、產業的人員個人及未來研究提出建議,以供參考。 In Service Industry, the Customer Satisfaction is always concerned by the operator and personnel, and become a very important success index in marketing promotion. But for the Manufacturing Industry, they prefer to have a high-level technique and good financial background, so their product will be the most popular one. Today, Hi-tech Industry is a huge growth and high competitive industry, so the product influence is not the only factor that the customer will concern. How to understand the customer, and how to let the customer satisfy will be the common topics of conversation between the operator and personnel. The Hi-tech Industry is a long-term business, which is not only by their Customer Satisfaction, but also other factors like new product development. Building and enhancing a good corporate image is also the important one. The big environment of the market have been changing, the market price become a competitive way to be approached to. Though it whether or not involves the building and developing of Customer long-term value, will be demonstrated in this thesis research. The abstract of this thesis research is to understand the impact of Customer satisfaction, Image strategy, and new product development to Customer life-time value in Hi-tech Industry. This thesis research had approached the 450 questionnaire survey copies to LED capsule factory in Taiwan area, with 210 copies reply; including 7 invalid copies, and 203 valid copies. The results of these copies were also deeply interviewed with four operators, to study whether or not the operators have the parity opinion or planning. The hypotheses of the thesis research have three: First is the variance between personal character, business character and other variable items. Second is the relationship of these variable items. Third is the interrelationship between these variable items. The statistic approaches of this thesis research include factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistic, T-test & one-way ANOVA, and correlation & regression analysis. The main findings of this thesis research are:1. There is a significantly variance between personal character (sex, age, department, years of service, education level, and position) and business character (capital issued, sales revenues, numbers of worker) to customer satisfaction, image strategy, new product development, customer life-time value, and market price in the Hi-tech industry. 2. There is a significantly variance between other studying variable items to customer satisfaction, image strategy, new product development, customer long-term value, and market price in the Hi-tech industry. 3. There is partial significantly variance of customer satisfaction, image strategy, and new product development to customer life-time value. Based on the above-mentioned conclusion, suggestions are made for reference in accordance with the operator of LED capsule factory and personnel and future research of this industry people. |