九0年代初期共產蘇聯瓦解,美蘇的兩極對抗關係也隨之終結,冷戰劃下句點。但是冷戰的結束卻也使歐洲安全環境發生很重大的變化。從冷戰的結束到進入二十一世紀的這十多年來,歐洲安全環境沒有更加安定反而面對了更大的威脅:大規模毀滅性武器的擴散、恐怖主義、民族分離主義、回教基本教義派以及數個重大的國際危機,諸如科索沃戰爭、911恐怖攻擊事件到近期的美伊戰爭等。民主轉型後的俄羅斯與作為冷戰後唯一軍事組織的北約,對於新的歐洲安全環境將造成一定程度的影響。本論文的研究重點在分析後冷戰時期歐洲安全環境的變化與北約組織如何調整其角色與戰略地位,最後再申論俄羅斯與北約的雙邊關係,並探討俄羅斯對北約擴大所採取的回應及其政策面的調整。 The cold war and the bipolarity between the U.S. and USSR had ended since the Communism Soviet Union collapsed in the 90’s. Henceforth, the European security context has changed a lot on the basis of the end of the cold war as well. From termination of the cold war to the decades heading to 21st century, the European security context was more unstable and facing to more severe threats, for instance, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the terrorism, ethnic secessionism and several influential international crisis, including the Kosovo crisis, September 11 attack and the second Iraq war, etc. There is no doubt that the changing European security context will be influenced by democratic transformed Russia and the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) as being the exclusive military organization in post-cold war era. This dissertation will focus on analyzing the changing European security context and the NATO’s measure toward to it’s new strategic role and position in post-cold war era. Furthermore, NATO---Russia relationship in competition and cooperation as well as response and reaction in Russian foreign policy toward to NATO’s expansion will be in discussion in the last part of the dissertation.