隨著資本主義的興起與全球性擴張,在台北這樣的全球城市中,由於全球資本的影響,經濟型態也受到全球潮流所控制。消費的型態也跟著跨國企業的優勢侵略造成現今的都市地景,都會空間中市民的價值觀也慢慢的改變。在台北這樣快速流動的城市中,人們的感知系統難免會受到不斷變化快速的消費地景所麻痺,不斷推陳出新的消費時尚與大型廣告招牌,使得他們身陷其中的追求一種消費性的拜物價值觀,而他們對於環境的感知只能利用郊外的度假時間去培養。台北市政府當初期許以公共藝術的推動來改善城市的環境品質與提升市民的美學素養。但是推行幾年後的今天,我們用心觀看台北市的都會空間,是否真的因為公共藝術的進駐而改變了什麼?為什麼這樣耗資龐大的公共藝術設置還是無法拉近市民與藝術的距離?是設置的地點出了問題嗎?還是藝術品的吸引力不夠?或是台北市民的美學涵養仍需加強?這些問題是本研究所欲探討的。 所以研究者將藉由理論分析與基地觀察的方式,為都會空間的公共藝術設置提出一些設置的缺失與盲點,並將調查紀錄所累積的資料做進一步的設置合理性分析,提出有利空間改善的建議。期許公共藝術能為我們的城市帶來適切的空間美化成效,都會空間的市民也能藉由空間中的藝術找尋逐漸消失的感知能力。在公共藝術的永續性推展下,提供市民更美好的生活環境。 With the development of capitalism and the extension of globalization , the economy of a global city, like Taipei, is also controlled by the effect of capitalism. Urban Landscape nowadays and values of residents of urban space have been changed gradually by the invasion upon the advantages of multination corporations and as well as the way of consumption. Taipei City Government expected initially to improve environmental quality and citizens’ esthetic equipment by getting public art moving. Nevertheless, nowadays after carrying it out for several years, we look on the urban space of Taipei city attentively, whether there is really any change for the public art was stationed. Why we still can not make it the distance between citizens and arts to close after expending large sums of public art ? Is that the problem where the public art is stationed? Or, the objects of art didn’t hold enough attraction? Or, the citizens of Taipei still need to improve their esthetic equipment? These are all the questions we want to discuss in this research. Therefore, the research workers will bring up some disadvantages and blind spots for settlement of public art by the theoretical analysis and the base observation and will make the accumulation of investigation records as sustainable recommendations for settlement of public art in urban space.