近年來,台灣地區提供旅遊資訊方面之刊物因國民旅遊風氣盛行而需求大增,帶動了業者紛紛投入這塊市場,目前文獻中有關旅遊刊物之消費者行為的相關探討甚少,在行銷導向的時代中,實有進一步研究之必要。 本研究採抽樣調查法以渡假生活型態觀點探討台灣旅遊刊物之市場區隔問題,透過消費者行為並輔以人口統計變數等加以驗證、描述,找出旅遊刊物消費行為及渡假型態之關係,希冀作為建議。研究發現:(一)消費者之渡假生活型態可萃取出「充實放鬆」、「社交導向」、「家庭導向」、「追求寧靜」、「精緻享受」、「知性學習」、「運動休閒」等七項因素。(二)旅遊刊物市場可分為「都會雅痞」、「同儕隨意」、「悠閒家庭」及「年輕活力」群等四類消費者區隔;各區隔消費者在年齡、職業、婚姻狀況、教育程度及個人平均月收入等人口統計變數具顯著差異。同時,在消息來源、閱讀經驗及取得刊物管道等變數亦具顯著差異。最後,本研究依據結果提出各區隔之行銷建議。 With growing traveling population these years, the requirement of tour publications is also getting increased in Taiwan. Therefore, it is necessary to have further research aims for such filed with lack of related papers, especially now is marketing oriented era as we may see. This study is based on means of Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis Methods to investigate how the consumer discriminates the market through the point of vacation life style. Therefore, this study seeks to further understanding of consumer behavior on the tour publications according to the EBM model. The discovery of investigation are listed as follows (1)We find that there are 7 factors from vacationing life style, which are : (a)Relaxation ; (b)Social ; (c)Family ; (d)Calm ; (e)Luxury ; (f)Study ; (g)Health. (2)And these could be divided entire group into: (a)Yuppie ; (b)Peers / Followers ; (c)Family ; (d)the young. (3)Also we could see some obvious difference in the demographic factors which are age, marital status, vocation, level of education and monthly salary. The resources how to get the publications and the reading experience also affects the decision of consumers. Finally, I expect that the suggestions according to the conclusion could be references for publishing units of tour publications.