本研究旨在探討在福智教育園區籌備過程中,全職志工觀點轉換歷程研究。透過收集分析福智法人事業之教育園區相關背景資料,及長期駐守於福智教育園區之全職志工觀點轉換歷程,並從中了解其在選擇進入過程中之如何轉變過程,哪些契機讓他們進入,如何進入,與個人選擇在此場域服務所建構之無限生命內涵意義。 研究者於91年12至93年10月在位於雲林縣古坑鄉之福智教育園區,針對五位全職志工進行半結構式深度訪談,並以福智團體及園區服務經驗為研究基礎,針對個人生命轉換點經驗所賦予的意義,以敘事研究做為理解全職志工在此場域中所呈顯的生命形態。 五位全職志工任職於園區至少已兩年,有全職至少每週五天服務內容,在生命選擇中已堅定正確生命宗旨。因此研究者所關心的乃是在轉換的過程中,志工的服務如何真實的呈顯為生活的一大部份。 研究者針對研究結果加以討論,並進一步從Mezirrow轉換學習的觀點,探討全職志工生命轉換歷程,重新檢視其觀點轉換理論在此場域的應用。 研究結果歸納如下: 一、 進入福智教育園區之前的契機在於對廣論的研討啟發。 二、 全職志工在此特定場域的轉換歷程乃是透過自我反省與對話溝通,不斷進行觀點轉換。 三、 在生活世界的服務中以「無限生命」為其基礎,故在實踐過程中不會只看中眼前收穫而是長遠思惟的利他益處。 四、 宗教現象中的神聖儀式如祈求加持,對於觀點轉換歷程有正面的影響力量。 五、 在個案的轉換歷程經驗中,並非完全如Mezirrow轉換學習理論中所提出的歷經兩難的學習情境,且個案在觀點轉換後必需透由行動實踐與自我反省後再次轉換,且以新的意義觀點面對新舊的生活世界,再次批判再次反省,所以自我的改變是在不斷的意義觀點轉換之下所形成的。 六、 建議福智團體組織的支持系統明朗透明化,未來多面向的開放研究,如從園區中不同角色的切入點、從教育方法與模式、不同理論觀點的印證與切入,讓事實自己說話。 The aim of this study was to discuss the perspective transformation of the full-time volunteers during the process of preparation of BLISS and WISDOM EDUCATION PARK. The writer tried to discuss the perspective transformation of the full-time volunteers. The research was based on the perspectives of five full-time volunteers serving at the BLISS and WISDOM EDUCATION PARK, during the period of December 2002 to October 2004. The result can be summarized as following items: 1. The crucial chances to enter the services in BLISS and WISDOM EDUCATION PARK arised as the result of discussing ”The Great Treatise on The Stages of Path to Enlightenment”. 2. The transformation process concerning this specific sphere was reached through self-reflection and dialog Their perspective transformation was reached successively. 3. The volunteers built up their service conception by applying “infinite life”, therefore, they paid attention to long-term benefiting-others conception rather than present benefit. 4. The holy ceremony such as praying for 加持 , does a positive influence on the course of perspective transformation. 5. The individual experience in the transformation was derived from constantly change of perspective after serving in the BLISS and WISDOM EDUCATION PARK, not totally the same as Mezirrow’s theory. 6. Suggestions for the organization include a expressly clear supportive system, a more accessible and manifold research environment, and thus let the truth speaks for itself.