本研究主要目的是在規劃並實施適合國小高年級之生死教育課程,並探討此課程對學童「自殺認知」立即性和持續性影響,最後綜合研究結果提出具體建議,作為發展生死教育課程與自殺防治工作之參考。 研究的對象為就讀於台中縣某國小五年級兩班學生共55人,分為實驗組(28人)與控制組(27人),實驗組施予16週共約20小時之生死教育課程,而控制組在此期間則不做任何處置;利用王雅玄所編譯自Domino的「自殺看法量表」,同時給予實驗組與控制組實施前測和立即後測,並於課程結束八週後,再作追蹤後測,以了解二者之間對自殺認知之立即性與持續性影響。 在研究資料的分析上,以獨立樣本單因子共變數分析進行統計分析,來考驗研究假設;除此之外,研究者透過學習單、課程總回饋單、訪談記錄表及學生學習成效等質性資料,做為評量此生死教育課程實施成效之輔佐工具。 本研究結果歸納如下:一、生死教育單元課程與教學活動適合國小高年級學童。二、生死教育對國小高年級學童自殺認知有立即性之影響效果。三、生死教育對國小高年級學童自殺認知有持續性之影響效果。四、生死教育課程對防範自殺具良好之教學成效。 根據上述的研究結果,研究者提出具體建議,包括對教育行政機關、教師、家長、傳播媒體、自殺防治教學及未來研究等方面,以作為推動生死教育及自殺防治工作等後續研究之參考。 The purpose of this study is to design and implement the life-and-death education program suitable for 5th graders in an elementary school and investigate the effectiveness of the program on students’ cognition of suicide. Based on the results of the study, constructive suggestions are presented as a reference for developing more life-and-death education programs and works on suicide prevention. Two classes, 55 students in total, of an elementary school in Taichung county were recruited as the subjects of this study. All of the students were divided into two groups. The experimental group (28 people) was treated with a sixteen-week life-and-death education program, approximately 20 hours in all. The other 27 students were not treated with anything as the control group. The SOQ (Suicide Opinion Questionnaire), translated and edited from Domino by Wang, Ya-Shuian, was adopted in the pretest, immediate posttest and follow-up test eight weeks after the program. The data were analyzed by Analysis of One Way Covariance (ANCOVA) to test the hypotheses. Besides, qualitative materials such as Worksheets, Program Feedback Form, Interview Records and Students’ Learning Effectiveness are provided as supplementary assessing tools to test subjects’ feedback on this program. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The designed teaching materials and assignments of life-and-death education are suitable for fifth graders in an elementary school. 2. Life-and-death education has instant effect on fifth graders’ suicide of cognition. 3. Life-and-death education has constant effect on fifth graders’ suicide of cognition. 4. Life-and-death education program has significant teaching effectiveness on suicide prevention. Based on the results, suggestions are made to serve as a reference for educational authorities, teachers, parents and mass media. Also discussed are recommendations for future research on related fields.