本研究係從學習與生涯發展的觀點,探就中年教師「提前退休與繼續教育」的生命經驗,研究的主要目的在分析(一)教師提前退休決定的因素(二)退休後的生活適應(三)參與研究所進修的動機(四)研究所進修的現況(五)進修對未來生涯規劃的影響等議題。 本研究屬於質性研究中的敘說研究方法,立意取樣以五位正在研究所就讀的提前退休教師為深度訪談對象,經由敘說的生命故事為文本,然後依照Lieblich理論作敘說分析,先以「整體-內容」方式,呈現受訪者整個生命主體持續重組、建構的獨特生命歷程,再以「類別-內容」方式,將提前退休與重返校園就學二大部分,作類別比對、分析,最後作出總結。藉此能對中年退休者在工作、人生價值與學習之間的交互關聯有清晰的脈絡,提供生涯準備時思考的方向。根據處理分析後的資料,得到以下的研究結論: 一、教師提前退休的主要關鍵為優渥的退休制度和對工作價值的改變二、中年教師退休後的生活適應的方式包括進修學習、隨性生活、照顧家人、及擔任義工等三、提前退休教師就讀研究所的進修動機以自我挑戰,肯定自己為最強之動機,其次為社會服務和尋找生命意義四、研究所的整體教育,兼有專業教育與終身學習的特質五、提前退休教師參與研究所教育的就學障礙包括交通問題及課業壓力六、研究所教育使退休學習者成長和獲益。七、退休教師在研究所的的學習歷程,有助於未來的生涯目標與生涯規劃 The research is examined from the concept of career development to explore the life process on earlier retirement and continue education. The goal of the thesis analyzes the factors of teachers’ earlier retirement, the adaptation after retirement, the motion to attend graduated school, the situation during the graduated school, and the impact of advanced study. The research expects to supply a clear sequence how lives develop by re-learning as well as an alternative thinking for life-preparation. This is a qualitative study with data collected through in-depth interviews. A total of five interviewees have been interviewed. These five interviewees who apply for earlier retirement are studying in graduated school. According to Lieblich’s theory, an interviewee’s whole-life-development process is first represented by holistic-content method. Afterwards the research is used by categorical-content method, which represents clearly the interviewee’s whole-life-development in order to make the categorical analysis of earlier retirement and returning to school. The following seven findings have been obtained from analysis of the data collected:1.The main points to enable teachers retire earlier are beneficial retirement systems and the changes for working values.2.The adaptive life styles after retirement include advanced learning, easy living, taking care of family, and being volunteers.3.The strongest motivation to advanced studies for early retired teachers is for self-challenge and self-affirmation. The second one is for society service and life-meaning research.4.The learning characters in advanced study include both professional education and longlife learning.5.The learning obstacles include commute and pressure from studies.6.Advanced education makes retired learners grow and get advantages. 7.The learning process for retired teachers profits further life-goal and life-plan.