「死亡」是社會中存在但卻又隱晦的議題,受到環境、教育、文化與宗教等諸多因素之影響,產生各種不同類型的死亡概念;國內外諸多原者關於死亡概念之研究乃以量化研究作為主要的研究工具,本研究乃以質性研究的紮根理論文主,深度訪談為輔,進行原住民兒童死亡相關概念之研究。原住民兒童在諸多文化因素的衝擊下,建構出屬於該區域特殊的死亡概念,依本研究結論得到原住民兒童死亡相關概念具有以下三個主要概念:(一) 對死亡的恐懼與聯想(二) 死後世界的臆測(三) 超自然現象的詮釋 原住民兒童死亡相關概念乃是經由多元的文化訊息所堆切出來的抽象概念,雖不存在單一且絕對的影響因素,但研究結果顯示,原住民兒童死亡相關概念的影響因素有以下四個面向:(一) 傳統文化的影響(二) 基督宗教的影響(三) 大眾傳播的影響(四) 同儕互動的影響 最後筆者依據研究過程與結論,分別就研究相關之議題、研究對象以及研究場域提出建議。 It is in the existence of death in the society, but the greater part of people negative the reality. Many factors effect several important changes in death concept, include the manners, education, religion, etc. This paper is study for the death concept of the aborigine children, and find out the factors of the death concept.The death concept of the aborigine children are display in three categories:1. Be scared to death and to associate with something in thinking.2. Conjecture that the world after death.3. An explanatory comment of the supernatural. The death concept was influenced on many factors. There are four factors effect the death concept of the aborigine children.1. Effect on tradition.2. Effect on the Christian faiths.3. Effect on mass culture.4. Effect on same generation's interaction. Finally, I suggest some subjects of debate in follow-up studies.