佛教自印度傳入中國後,以外來宗教傳統之身份與中國社會主流之儒教,進行了長期的對話和抗衡,進而造就了今日中國佛教的內涵與風貌。 對話的意義,狹義而言,是人與人之間有問有答;廣義而言,則可論及人與物之間的關係,以及不同文化系統、宗教傳統之間彼此的思想消融。德國哲學家高達美認為,所謂的對話必須假設一個前提,就是雙方使用共同的語言。 佛教在經歷了經典傳入、翻譯、與思想闡釋三個階段的變化後,和中國社會之主流價值體系 —— 儒教,其間的互動關係如何?又如何進行對話與交涉呢?這是相當值得探討的文化課題。 本篇論文的關懷重點是從佛教思想 — 隨著經典傳入後 — 的詮釋與轉化出發,觀察中國佛教史上以釋儒一貫主張見長的北宋雲門宗高僧佛日契嵩。契嵩曾著有《傳法正宗記》而獲宋仁宗賞賜紫袈裟,封為「明教大師」,並以釋儒一貫的主張,在北宋社會三教風起雲湧的思潮中獲得注目。本文以《鐔津文集》中所呈現的釋儒一貫思想論述為研究主軸,以北宋初期佛教發展的歷史場景為輔,耙疏契嵩著書立論的歷史境遇,從高達美所提供的哲學詮釋學觀點反省,並進行文本內部以及筆者與文本之間的兩重意義對話。希望能為契嵩文本與儒佛會通課題注入新的活水,引發新的思考刺激。 A dialogue and debate within Chinese Buddhism has existed since Buddhism was introduced into China from India in the Han Dynasty. As Buddhism originated from India and Confucianism is a key component of Chinese culture, Confucianism had a major influence on the assimilation of Buddhism into Chinese culture. Today’s Chinese Buddhism is the result of the convergence of these two traditions. A dialogue means questions and answers between you and me in the narrow sense. In the broad sense, it also means the relation, which exists between people and things, the growth and decline of different cultures as well as religious traditions. Hans-Georg Gadamer has pointed out that for a dialogue to occur, there must be a common language. I am concerned about the assimilation of Buddhism into the Chinese culture, as well as interested in the changes which happened after Buddhism had experienced the three stages, which were India monks bringing the sutras into China; translation of the sutras, and understanding of the sutras from a Chinese perspective. How could Buddhism have a dialogue with Confucianism? What happened between the two traditions when they encountered each other? For Buddhism, what is the influence and impact of this dialogue during the interaction itself? This thesis focuses on the Qi-song’s philosophy of consistency between Confucianism and Buddhism. He was a famous monk who belonged to Yun Men Section in the Northern Song Dynasty. I have focused on his work Tan Jin Wen Ji which is followed by a discussion of his theory from Gadamer’s viewpoint of hermeneutics and finally my point of view. I have also presented a historical survey of Northern Song Dynasty in my discourse. It is hoped that this study will bring out some new viewpoints on these issues and offers different views of Chinese Buddhism and Religious Study.