西方國家在面臨人口老化與家庭功能轉型的雙重壓力下,紛紛推出長期照護制度,來因應問題。我國為營造建構符合我國國情的一照顧體系,也推動以在地老化的照護模式來協助在家中照顧失能老人及身心障礙者。 長期照護的推動引進國外的「在地老化」之照顧理念,這樣的設計理念與社會工作所提倡的基本精神是一致的,因此引發探討現行居家服務單位運作狀況及社會工作者介入可發揮的角色有那些,和現行學校的教育方向是否可以滿足職場上之需求。 本研究是屬探索性研究,採深度訪談法為主及參與觀察法為輔之研究方法。並將資料整理分析為居家服務功能、居家服務組織之構面、組織運作面向、居家服務經營困境、社會工作者在居家服務的角色定位、現行學校教育與實務需求。 最後依據研究分析與發現,提出下列建議:一對非營利組織機構,二對機構中的社會工作師(者)。 Under the duel pressure of aging society and the function of family is changing, many developed countries have adapted various long-term care programs to accommodate these needs. On the meantime, Taiwan custom-built Chinese cultural oriented care system, which may fit in the idea of aging in place . From the perception of aging in place which desighed to care disables and handicapped elderly at home. Aging in place is the main stream of long-term care perception for the social works of today. It leads us to further discusses the basic role of home-care provider and intervention of social-worker. In addition,the existing school system can fulfill these expectation is in doubt. This study is based on exploration、in-depth interview and observed participation as accessorily methods. The data analysis is home-care function、home-care organization level、function level、difficulty of home-care teams and the role of social-worker at home-care team work. Base on the results of this study, we propose the suggestion to non-for-profit organization and the instituted social workers.