根據「內政部統計處」內政統計通報(九十三年第三十六週),我國經各級政府核准立(備)案之社會團體,民國86年底計有12,825家,截至93年6月底已有23,369家完成登記立案,在短短7年當中已成長一倍。台灣的非營利組織經過這幾年的發展,已經進入所謂的「成熟期」,而相對的也進入了一個高度競爭的時期。在企業界,當同業產生數量過多造成競爭壓力時,也常須靠整合合併或策略聯盟的方式來決解當前的競爭危機,並提高競爭能力。所以在這個時間點上來談非營利組織的資源整合模式是最恰當不過的。 有效的資源整合,可避免資源浪費、誤置與重疊並可提高服務的品質。所以本研究將從台中市社會福利團體與地方政府的關係、台中市社會福利團體與企業的互動模式、台中市社會福利團體與非營利組織的聯盟模式等三個構面,作一有系統的深入探討,期盼能在本次的研究過程中發現更多的實務問題,並能從中提出更具體的建議來決解目前非營利組織在經營管理上的窘境,由點、線、面對全國的非營利組織有所貢獻,促使非營利組織能更順利達成其使命及願景。 According to the interior statistics journal ( week 36th 2004 ) from the Department of the Interior, there are about 12,825 social groups that have been duly accredited by the government at any level at the end of 1997. And at the end of June 2004, 23,369 groups have been registered. Double the number they had seven years ago. Through these years the development of the Non-Profit Organization ( NPO ) in Taiwan has come to age, and also has entered a competition period. Too many companies in the same business have built up the competition pressure to such a point that a crisis has come up and needs to be resolved. Therefore, it’s time to talk about the resource integration model of the NPO. An effective resource integration agency can avoid problems and improve the service quality. This research can be divided in the three parts---1) The relationship between Taichung Social Welfare Groups and the local government, 2) The interactive pattern between Taichung Social Welfare Groups and the business community,3) The cooperation between Taichung Social Welfare Groups and NPO. We hope we can identify more practical problems from this research and offer concrete suggestions to resolve the present difficulties of NPO management.