1994年文建會副主委陳其南,在一趟日本學習之旅,引進日本「造町運動」和「地方產業文化」的概念,首先以「社區總體營造」之名,從文化、藝術的角度切入,企圖透過社區營造過程來凝聚民間自主力量,參與環境營造以活化地方經濟為目標。 本研究主要是探討非營利組織在推動台灣原住民社區總體營造時所扮演的角色及可能遭遇到的問題,透過個案的研究,探討非營利組織與社區是否有實質上的互動關係,進而瞭解到社區營造及其推展資源永續發展的方式及成功的因素,以及政府部門對於非營利組織與社區總體營造的看法與態度。 期待能有系統性的分析,台灣原住民族部落發展在非營利組織形成過程中的瓶頸,可據以研提破解的行動策略並提供有關當局推動原住民族部落營造之參考,亦可供學術界日後在實證研究上的檢證。 Since 1994, the vice- chairman of Council for Cultural Affairs-Chen Ch'ina, introduced Japanese community rebuilding movement and the concept of community industrialization. Afterward, the movement was named as community empowerment and focused on the cultural and the arts of a community attempting to enhance the strength of the folk in the community and to achieve the goal of local economy。 This research discussed the role of the nonprofit organization and its troubles when facing Taiwan aboriginal community empowerment. By case studies, we try to find whether the nonprofit organization and the community have substantive relationship. And they can go further to understand the community empowerment. Also, the role of the government and the attitude of the government officials had been investigated to find out the successful factors of community empowerment.