本研究以台灣解嚴前後因抗爭權益而成立的團體,其初始是一非法的團體,也就是說是未納入政府管理的團體,後來向政府有關機關申請設立,其組織型態與成立宗旨,與Wolf定義的非營利組織特質:有服務大眾的宗旨、不以營利為目的的組織結構、有一個不致令個人利己營私的管理制度、本身具有合法的免稅地位、具有提供捐助人減(免)稅的合法地位等五大特徵相符。我們將此類組織稱為「社會運動式的非營利組織」。 依此定義,我們以「台南縣漁民權益促進會」為研究的對象,探討台南縣漁民權益促進會與國家(政府)的關係及內部會務運作的公開性與自主性等問題,並以此關係之探討為主軸,研究非營利組織如何邁向公民社會的實踐。 This study is about the establishment of certain groups around the time when the declaration of martial law ended. I will focus on their evolution from illegal period which meant that they weren’t part of our government to their application to the authorized organizations. Their main structures and goals were later on found to match Wolf’s definition of NGO. Their five goals are the willing to serve the public, the intension to not to win personal benefits, the management to run non-profitmaking companies, the legalized tax-free right and the authority for the donators to cut their tax. We name these kinds of organizations “the social-movement NGOs.” Therefore, I use the fishermen association in Tainan County as my object of study to discuss its relationship and inner management with publicity and independency. Moreover, I will base on this specific relationship to study about how the NGOs will head towards the civil society.