《薄伽梵歌》所揭櫫的解脫之道有:知識之道、行動之道與虔信之道,這是只要論及《薄伽梵歌》,或介紹印度教精神訓練的書籍,都會提到的事,但是,若進一步追問:「邁向解脫的道路是三者並行呢?還是只要選擇其一?」那就有各式各樣不同的說法了。本文的主要目的,即是希望透過對這三種道路的詮釋,試圖探究,如何理解這三種解脫道之間與解脫的關涉? The ways to moksa(liberation)in the Bhagavadgita are jbana yoga, karma yoga and bhakti yoga. Most of the books refer to the Bhagavadgita or Indian spiritual practicing make mention of it. But if we ask: “ To moksa, is it necessary to practice the three yogas concordantly or is it enough to practice only on yoga? “ Then, there are many answers. I will, in this paper, attend to the interpretation of three yogas to see how to realize the relations between the three yogas and moksa.