全球資訊網的發達以及旅遊觀念的變遷助長自助旅行成為國際旅遊持續的一個趨勢,惟仍鮮有針對自助旅行風險或價值進行相關的研究與探討。有鑑於此,本研究主要目的在探討自助旅行者動機、知覺風險與知覺價值,並延伸討論其降低風險策略及未來行為意圖等各項變數之重要因子及各變數相互間之關係。以便利抽樣方式針對台灣的海外自助旅行者進行問卷調查所得之311份有效結果進行特性分析,並應用統計學的因素分析、變異數分析、典型相關分析及迴歸分析等方式解析探討上述各變項間的關係,結果顯示自助旅行者旅遊動機與知覺風險、旅遊動機與知覺價值、知覺價值與知覺風險以及知覺風險與降低知覺風險策略兩兩變數間均具有顯著之相關性;而自助旅行者知覺風險及知覺價值對未來行為意圖也有顯著的影響。 Despite the fact of booming development of independent overseas travel business in recent years, seldom attentions were given to the study of the motivation, perceived values, and perceived risks of the travelers. This study aimed to extract those important factors that affect the above mentioned variables, and to analyze the correlations among the variables. The study used the results of 311 useful samples obtained from a questionnaire survey to Taiwanese independent overseas travelers. Major facors of the individual variables were extracted through factor analysis. And variable analysis, regression analysis and canonical correlation analysis were used to explore the correlations among the travel motivation, perceived risk, perceived value, and risk-reducing strategy. The result revealed that they are all closely correlated each other among them. The study also found that the perceived value and perceived risk of the travelers have a direct impact on travelers’ intentions of behavior.