摘要: | 本研究旨在探討紗帽山之椰林餐廳的服務品質對遊客的滿意度與忠誠度之的影響分析。本研究採問卷調查法,針對至椰林溫泉餐飲區的遊客進行施測,計取得有效樣本442份,並利用描述性統計分析、信度分析、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析、相關分析、IPA等統計方法進行資料分析,研究結果如下:到此溫泉餐飲區,以女性較多,年齡層介於31-40歲之間,婚姻狀況是以已婚較多,近八成之受訪者受過大學(專)、研究所教育,每人平均月收入50,000以上佔五成,職業以私人企業員工為最多。研究結果發現顯示在遊客動機中,以增進家人或朋友的感情為最多、排除生活壓力及焦慮、欣賞溫泉餐飲區週邊的自然景色,由此可知人們想避開都市的吵雜,以釋放生活壓力,並藉此機會與家人連絡感情。在遊客行前期望方面,遊客最期待的服務品質為溫泉餐飲區的道路指標、溫泉餐飲區內的停車場地點適宜、設備與舒適度、區內整體環境清潔、泡溫泉的空間。遊客事後體驗方面,遊客在實際體驗後感到最滿意的項目為溫泉餐飲區內的服務人員態度、溫泉餐飲區的道路指標、溫泉餐飲區內的餐飲美味度、溫泉餐飲區內的設備與舒適度。研究結果也顯示,遊客對此溫泉餐飲區的滿意度與忠誠度非常高。遊客不但重遊率高,而且樂於公開向他人推薦此溫泉餐飲區。本研究對遊客行前期望與事後體驗做IPA分析,應繼續保持的項目有停車場地點適宜、區內規模大小、設備與舒適度、道路指標、服務人員態度等五項,加強改善重點的項目有區內的告示解說牌、餐飲新鮮度、泡湯價位、餐飲視覺感、餐飲美味度、遊客太多很擁擠等六個項。透過逐步迴歸分析,得知顧客滿意度與忠誠度的再度重遊之影響有兩個重要因素構面,為實際體驗的溫泉餐飲區的空間品質、動機問項中的治療因素。而您是否願意介紹親友來此溫泉餐飲區,則只受到動機問項中的治療因素影響。本研究建議加強椰林溫泉餐飲設施及內容,提升服務品質、提高顧客滿意度及忠誠度。提供其他溫泉餐飲業者,改善經營方式或軟、硬體設備方向,以做為未來與顧客互動的參考。 In this analytical study, the central theme of this research study is to investigate the current conditions and the future development of Palm Tree Restaurant of Sha-Mao Mountain Resort. Primarily, the purpose of this analytical study is to conduct a summative survey regarding the relativity between service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. In order ot conduct this survey in a most cost-effective method, survey questionnaire technique was chosen in this case. At the concluding stage of this survey, 442 survey samples were acquired. After the replies in these questionnaires are tabulated, these results are then calculated by using various statistical formulae such as factor analysis, reliability analysis, multiple regression, one-way ANOVA,correlation analysis and IPA methods. After the post statistical evaluation, there are several significant findings in terms of the demographic data. First of all, female customers are the majority amongst those surveyed and most of them were married. As for age group, those with ages between 31 to 40 years old are the primary demographic group. Around 80 percent of the customers have received baccalaureate degrees or higher. In term of the income status, more than half othe surveyed customers have monthly income of $50,000 NTD. Lastly, occupational demographic data reveals that most of the surveyed customers are composed of private business owners. Additional inquries have yielded more feedbacks in regard to the quality factors. Most customers come to this resort for the reasons of spending time with family members in a serene surrounding. Based on the feedbacks from the customers concerning service quality expectation and actual experience, the most positive results are: clear road signs both within and outside of the facility; the parking lot is conveniently located near the resort; friendly staff members; the overall quality and cleanliness of the accomodation; and the commodious space within the sauna area. In terms of the satisfaction rating for the Coconut Grove Restaurant within this resort, the most positive post-experience responses are: friendly service attitude of the restaurant and hotel staff members; high quality of food being served in this restaurant; and wide variety of facilities offered within this resort. It is self-evident that the customers are very satisfied with this resort and restaurant, the rate of repeat customers is not just high, but they are very willing to recommend this facility to others as well. Since this study was conducted on both ends, the pre-visit expectation and post-experience, so we also examined the additional demands from the surveyed customers as well. Based on the IPA analysis, most customers have made these recommendations: this resort should keep the existing parking location and refine its appearance further; the current scale and scope of the amenities offered should be refined; the existing overall quality of this resort; and the high standard of service personnel. As for items that still need improvement: some internal road signs and information billboards within the facility are still inadequately marked; food being served in the restaurant lacked both visual and taste appeals; and the space in the sauna and jacuzzi areas are limited. In conclusion, this study recommends several modifications for Restaurant. First, the quality of food being served in the restaurant have to be refined and the variety rotated more frequently. Secondly, the service quality have to embark on a mission of constant refinement and the staff members should undergo continous training programs. Lastly, it would be helpful that this resort's management cooperate with other resorts to improve their collective service and facility qualities on all levels. |