面臨全球化趨勢、商業模式的改變與新興資訊科技的時代,虛擬企業需在此劇烈變動的競爭環境中,追求低成本、快速反應、高效率的競爭力,也因而造就愈來愈多的虛擬企業,邁向協同商務模式經營,以共同合作一專案開發,謀求共贏的目標達成,予獲得新商機與增加競爭優勢。同時在知識經濟催化之下,虛擬企業間既須利用知識分享助益協同商務之開發,又須追求自身的知識資源維護,故架構一跨虛擬企業協同商務之知識分享機制,使虛擬企業能善用知識分享,加速協同商務之專案合作執行順利與完成,實為當務之急。 殷鑑於此,本研究(1)提出虛擬企業內部協同專案知識庫,並說明配合產業共同標準,處理知識格式之歷程;與(2)虛擬企業間使用知識索引中心,存放虛擬企業間之知識摘要,予進行知識分享與維護;而且(3)透過XML相關技術,解決虛擬企業間面臨的異質知識分享窘境;以及(4)運用任務角色為基之虛擬企業協同商務存取控制,控管知識之分享;最後(5)實作一系統雛型,說明論證本研究之構想。希冀能提出一完善且具可行性的虛擬企業協同商務之知識分享控制機制。 Most of the virtual enterprises will manage collaborative commerce because they must get low costs, quick responses and high efficiencies in order to get a new commercial opportunities and the competitive advantages, due to the changes in the globalization competitive environment, business model and information technology. Therefore they can get the projects done quickly and proficiently. Under new economy era, virtual enterprises must apply knowledge sharing to help developing collaborative commerce and safeguarding knowledge resources themselves. Virtual enterprises can make good use of knowledge sharing and facilitate the projects of collaborative commerce successfully. It’s important to develop a knowledge sharing control mechanism of virtual enterprises for collaborative commerce. Thus we first build the Collaborative Project Knowledge Base of virtual enterprises that cope with knowledge format for industry standard Schema. Second, use knowledge index center to stores abstract knowledge between virtual enterprises for knowledge sharing and maintain. Third, use Task-Role based Access Control for knowledge sharing of virtual enterprises for collaborative commerce. Finally, apply XML to solve the heterogeneous knowledge sharing. Then make the knowledge sharing control mechanism of virtual enterprises for collaborative commerce faultless and feasible.