目前正處於資訊的時代,資訊是每個國民必備的工具,各國都努力的提昇國民的資訊素養,我國政府也極力推動資訊教育。本研究主要在探討現階段中埔國民中學學生之資訊素養能力及其相關因素,了解國中學生是否有足夠的資訊素養,利用資訊及資訊科技來解決問題,自主學習、終身學習。根據研究分析所得提出建議,作為教育行政機關、學校、老師及家長在提昇學生資訊素養之參考。 本研究參考相關文獻,針對嘉義縣中埔國中93學年度七、八年級學生施以問卷調查。總計發出問卷585份,回收562份,回收率96%,可用有效問卷為498份,可用率89%。測驗所得資料以SPSS 10.0 套裝軟體進行資料分析,統計分析後得知,嘉義縣中埔國中七、八年級學生資訊素養能力有不錯的水準。其資訊素養能力會隨著性別、家中有無個人電腦、每週使用電腦的時間、家中是否有人可請教電腦問題、父母親是否支持學習電腦、家中電腦可否連上網路而有所差異。 根據研究結果建議教育行政機關能補助各校設置班級電腦網路環境及充實資訊設備,加強各校及社區圖書館的軟硬體設施。學校應鼓勵老師進修研習提升本身資訊素養,加強學生傳統紙筆能力,如此才能有效全面提昇學生的資訊素養。 The study aims to investigate the information literacy of Junior High School students at the present stage and other relevant factors, and to understand whether Junior High School students have enough ability to take advantage of information and information technology to problem-solving, independent learning, and life-long learning. Based on the findings, I will make some suggestions to the authorities concerned, schools, teachers, and parents by providing insights to how to enhance students’ information capability. The study makes reference to the literature and designs the instrument: A study on the Information Literacy of Junior High School students- An example in Chung pu Junior High School of Chiayi County. The information literacy will be affected by relevant factors, including gender, the attendance of computer curriculum outside of school, weekly use of computers, the support from the parents, access to the computer or Internet at home. The results of the study show that it will be beneficial if the authorities concerned can finance the schools about software and hareware facility. Teachers are encouraged to promote their own information literacy. By doing this, we can promote students’ information literacy.