知識管理相關的議題近年來一直被廣泛地討論,而知識地圖在知識管理領域中佔很重要的部分,因此知識地圖所能提供的決策也必須更加精確,以求達到最大的效用。本研究試圖利用模糊層級分析法協助使用者在挑選合適人才時,能提供更準確且完整的資訊以作為使用者決策時的重要依據。 搜尋合適人才的流程共分為兩個階段:第一階段是為了避免層級間的相乘太過繁雜及資料量過大的困擾,先初步篩選出候選的人才再利用模糊層級分析法作進一步分析,第二階段是根據使用者所訂定的層級架構,透過模糊層級分析法更精確地過濾候選人的資料並得出最佳的推薦人選。 The issue of knowledge management has been a popular discussion recently, and knowledge-map is a very important part of KM, so knowledge-map must be better and better for providing the biggest utility.This research try to use fuzzy AHP method to help user that can get more correct and complete information when he uses the knowledge-map system. Searching the best of employees separated two stage : First, we will sift the candidates from knowledge-map database, and the second stage is according to user’s conditions and using fuzzy AHP to find the optimal solution.