本研究係以文獻探討為根基,以檢驗性研究之調適理論為軸心。英國是先進國家之一,英國的高等教育改革政策在實質與內容上,從高等教育制度的二元轉變至一元截至目前的多元化,使得高等教育充實而飽滿的呈現新氣象,高等教育擴充衍生的職業教育與繼續教育、終身教育都與歐盟職業教育與培訓政策產生影響,在全球化與國家內部的需求上,英國高等教育改革的演變,都是值得就與探討的部分,期望能從英國的教育改革的背景分析與內涵來比較改革前後的具體成效,進而從此項研究中得到改進和建議,以及對於英國高等教育政策改革的新啟發。 本研究主要是從英國高等教育改革背景分析,再從英國高等教育改革內涵中去了解高等教育改革演進中的各項報告書以及進程,進而從全球化去理解對於英國高等教育改革的影響。 本研究結論為在全球化的風潮下,以及歐盟的職業教育與培訓政策的制立、英國新工黨政府的教育政策走向、英國社會與職業需求、政府行政制度的轉變對於高等教育的影響、政府與高等教育機構的今後關係演變、以及今後將衍生的最新高等教育改革白皮書等,都是英國教育改革供需之間的對比關係,英國高等教育改革已經揭開一幕前所未有的全新視野,因此,在迎接新世紀挑戰、制定高等教育改革規劃時,英國的高教改革方向是非常值得我們思考和借鑒的。 This research is based on literatures. England is one of the developed countries . The British policy of the higher education reform became diverse. The policy influenced many different parts of the education, including vocational education, continuous education, lifelong education. It’s valuable to think about and discuss about the tangible effects between pre-reform and past-reform based on the analysis of the background and context of the British Education reform. I hope to obtain some ideas and to discover some different perspectives. This research is to analysis the background of the British reform of the higher education and to get the understandings of the progress of the reforming steps. At last, I’d like to see the influence for the British reform from the globalization. The result of this research is about the influence from the globalization and the vocational education and the training policy of European Union. Otherwise, the new direction of the New Labor, the British society, the necessary of vocation, and the influence of the government. All the relationship among the newest policy of the higher education reform. It’s brand new for the educational reform. Therefore, for us, it’s a thoughtful and a good experience when we plan to gain the profits for our educational environment.