題名: | 賽普勒斯族群衝突問題之探究 |
其他題名: | The Question of Ethnic Groups Conflict in Cyprus |
作者: | 崔珮君 Tsuei, Pei-chun |
貢獻者: | 歐洲研究所 郭武平 Wu-ping Kuo |
關鍵詞: | 土耳其;聯合國;希臘;文明衝突;賽普勒斯;族群衝突 ethnic conflict;clash of civilizations;Cyprus;Turkey;Greece;United Nations |
日期: | 2005 |
上傳時間: | 2015-07-31 15:49:15 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 地處東地中海的賽普勒斯共和國(Republic of Cyprus),於西元1960年獨立,由希臘裔與土耳其裔人士共組政府,但是因為希、土兩裔對賽國憲法的爭執,使賽普勒斯在建國不久之後,即身陷族群衝突的暴力事件中。1974年的賽島政變,土耳其軍隊以保護土裔賽人及維持該島獨立為由,出兵登陸該島北部,國際社會雖然一致聲討,亦對土耳其有所處置,卻仍無法改變其侵佔賽島之行為。賽島北部之土裔人士自行於1983年宣布獨立建國,雖僅獲土耳其承認,卻亦使該島分裂成為既成事實。數十年以降,國際社會為求解決賽島之分裂狀態,亦期望藉此使得希臘與土耳其的關係較為和緩,英國、美國、歐盟、北約組織與聯合國皆不斷居中斡旋並多次促成希裔、土裔領袖進行談判,以解決賽普勒斯分裂的問題,但兩裔人民由於長期的歷史積怨,文化斷層難以彌合,因而強調彼此之差別與矛盾,並以文化意識形態的不同代替雙方和平交往,形成一個對抗的局面。 本文將以探討賽普勒斯衝突議題的內部爭議不斷之緣由與發展,以及國際上強權國家、區域組織以及國際組織,對於賽島事務的涉入與影響,驗證哈佛大學杭亭頓(Samuel P. Huntington)教授的文明衝突論是否適用於賽國的族群衝突問題。並將論述聯合國秘書長安南所提的和平計畫對於賽國統一之影響以及和平解決賽島分裂的可能模式。本文除了緒論與結論之外,主要內容分為四章。第一章為緒論,內容包括研究動機與目的、研究方法與論文架構、資料來源與限制以及文獻回顧與探討。第二章所敘述的是賽普勒斯族群衝突之歷史背景,以四個不同時期的歷史發展過程,作為提供本文分析之基本資料。第三章為探討賽普勒斯之文明衝突與周邊之地緣關係,第一部分是述及引發賽島內部族群衝突的近因,分別為兩裔於宗教文化的差異、舊有殖民國統治的手法和南北雙邊於地域上的劃分等因素。第二部分為相異文明之希臘與土耳其,對於賽島問題所持的觀點和立場,以及希、土關係的發展概況。之後,分別以國內及國際因素來分析兩裔協商的關鍵議題。第四章則是探究國際社會中,英國、美國、俄國、北約組織、聯合國與歐洲聯盟對於賽島問題之因應作為和角色扮演。第五章是論述和平解決賽島衝突的可能方式,首先將針對近年來聯合國秘書長所提之安南計畫的內容、目的、結果與相關各方之觀點作一分析。其次,則探究賽島南北於2004年統一公投失敗之後,對希裔、土裔、希臘、土耳其、歐盟及聯合國所造成的影響。第三節為試析賽島內部未來能否以聯邦制度整合統一或者維持南北分裂現狀的解決模式。第六章為研究結論,將先對前面四章之內容作一簡要說明,再針對推論之結果綜合論述,最後,提出研究的發現與心得。 The Republic of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean Sea became independent in 1960, and the government was formed jointly by Greek and Turkish descendants. However, due to the conflict between the Greek and Turkish people regarding Cyprus’ constitution, violent racial conflicts soon broke out in Cyprus not too long after its independence. Under the excuses of protecting Turkish-Cypriots and maintaining Cyprus’ independence, the Turkish troops landed at northern Cyprus during Cyprus’ political upheaval in 1974. Although the world condemned such act and dealt with Turkish accordingly, the fact of Turkish occupying Cyprus remained unchanged. The Turkish people in northern Cyprus claimed independence in 1983, and although this was only recognized by the Turkish government, the separation of this island has become an accomplished fact. For the decade-long hope of solving Cyprus’ separation and improving the relationship between Greek and Turkish, UK, the U.S., EU, NATO and the UN have consistently intervened as mediators, and helped materializing negotiations between the Greek and Turkish leaders in order to solve the problem of Cyprus’ separation. However, due to the long-term resentment between the two ethnic groups, their cultural differences are difficult to be reconciled. As a result, they focus on the differences and conflicts between them, and instead of peaceful interactions, they formed a state of opposition on the basis of their different cultural ideologies. This paper will discuss the causes and progress of the never-ending disputes within Cyprus regarding the conflicts, and the effects of the interventions from the world’s superpowers, regional organizations, and international organizations to verify whether the theory of “clash of civilizations” by Samuel P. Huntington, a Harvard professor, could be applied in the issue of Cyprus’ racial conflicts, as well as the influence of the peace plans proposed by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, and the possible scenarios of solving Cyprus’ separation. |
顯示於類別: | [國際事務與企業學系(亞太研究碩士班,公共政策研究碩士班,歐洲研究碩士班)] 博碩士論文-歐洲研究碩士班
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