本論文首先從恐怖主義的不同面向來探討恐怖主義的根源,以瞭解恐怖主義真實面貌,緊接著討論官方與學界對恐怖主義的界定與分類,並找出恐怖主義的特點。其次,討論對英國政治經濟及社會安全帶來威脅的恐怖組織、英國政府對恐怖主義的回應與英國的反恐戰略-分別從政策面向與外交合作來解析英國事先預防及事後打擊恐怖攻擊事件的決策與機制。最後就「911恐怖攻擊事件」發生後,剖析英國在全球反恐聯盟中的立場及對反恐怖行動的貢獻。 界定恐怖主義的概念是我們研究恐怖主義問題的邏輯起點,也是確立我們對恐怖主義問題基本立場的前提。透過對恐怖主義的討論,我們發現國家為了維持政局、經濟及社會穩定,確實打擊恐怖主義與制訂反恐怖主義的措施,因此各國政府在界定時,採行比學術界更廣義的認定。雖然各國官方和學者對這個概念的定義有所不同,但可抽離出構成這個概念的一些基本要素:(一)恐怖主義涉及暴力使用或暴力威脅;(二)恐怖主義的暴力行為具有不可預測性;(三)恐怖主義的受害者具有象徵性價值;(四)恐怖份子希望引起公眾的注意;(五)恐怖份子的行為具有政治目的。 綜觀英國對恐怖活動的回應措施與反恐機制,我們可發現英國快速立法通過並隨著恐怖活動的新趨勢來修訂反恐怖主義法令,以做為反恐怖活動的基礎,實在值得做為各國的借鏡。換句話說,當國家公共安全與社會治安面臨重大挑戰時,立法工作及法律規範內容皆需配合安全需求,並輔以強力而有效的反恐打擊部隊,方能完善反恐怖主義工作。 The study is concerned with an analysis of the United Kingdoms counter-terrorism as it has evolved since the late 1960s. The first part of the study is devoted to an investigation of the nature of the terrorist phenomenon itself, the definitions and the classifications of the government and the academia. Although the definitions are different, no one can deny that the definitions of the government are broader of the both. We can also conclude some basic factors of terrorism: (I) it is concerned with the use or the threat of the violence; (II) the actions can not be predicted; (III) the victims have the symbolic value; (IV) the terrorists hope to catch somebody’s eyes; (V) terrorism is politically motivated. The main focus of the second part examines the United Kingdom’s response to terrorism, especially in respect of security legislation, policy and anti-terrorist personnel. Most contemporary British experience with terrorism has been connected with Northern Ireland and it is that has shaped most significantly the government response. To make a comprehensive survey of the United Kingdom’s response and of the counter-terrorism mechanism, the legal measures taken have been to increase investigative and coercive powers of the security forces, to modify judicial procedure quickly in Northern Ireland and to create new criminal offences. It is worth for the world learning the United Kingdom’s experience.