德國向來認為自己為「非移民國家」,但是近幾年過多的移民已經讓德國的公民感受到極大的人口與就業壓力,他們認為這些移民帶給德國的不只是失業率提升,連帶的在犯罪率與文化融合程度也深受其影響,因此聯邦政府便不得不著重移民問題,希望可以制定完善的移民政策用以提升德國的經濟發展和勞動市場的就業率。 另一方面,德國總理施洛德近幾年的經濟改革乃是因應全球化的影響,但是許多學者專家和德國公民認為這些改革無非是必須開放移民政策,如此便會有更多的移民進入德國境內,會造成更多的本地失業勞工與增加社會與文化層面的問題。但是隨著歐洲聯盟的整合與發展,德國極欲增加自己的經濟實力,除了要追隨歐洲聯盟一體的腳步外,還希望近幾年有衰敗跡象的國家經濟可以再發展,聯邦政府在國內聲浪與國際情勢的雙重壓力下,已經對於德國的移民政策朝向開放的大門,希望在限質、限量與限時的規劃下,順應現今全球化的浪潮,使德國移民政策更為完善和開放。 Over too many immigrants in Germany may cause the citizens the great internal pressure.These labors,who come from other countries,bring not only the raising unemployment rate and criminal offenses,but also the difficulting culture integration.People ascribe the problems of society and the low economic development in Germany in immigrants and refugees.They thought these influences broke the peace of society in Germany.When the government receives extensively the immigrants,they may afraid of the influences in economic and safe factors of the Germany citizens and country development. In another side,the government of Germany in these few years reforms the economic policies to deal with the global trend,enterprises move out and capital flights.Germany needs in present time fund,special talents in technology and creates more working opportunities.Therefore,the government of Germany decides to make policies of the immigrants.They hope to receive qualified people,who come from other countries in limited time.When these immigrants in Germany,they must learn all of German culture,society habits and language.Because they want to make a “Germanized society”,even there are many new immigrants in this country.