近幾年的快速發展,將台灣產業轉型成高科技產業,許多項目已達到全球第一的規模。然而這些高科技產業也正面臨瓶頸,經濟上的壓力及世界綠色浪潮下,為尋求永續發展,企業開始去以生命週期來思考環境議題,所以相關環境工具被發展出來,但是企業在面對這些繁多的法規及工具決策時,往往會造成迷惘導致無法提供最佳的決策。UNEP就對此提出生命週期管理(LCM)這一套永續發展整合性工具,來導入成為企業永續策略的一環。 本研究主要的目的在於透過文獻回顧與案例分析,來探討生命週期管理在產業界的應用分別以廢光碟管理及TFT-LCD產業進行案例分析。最後根據案例分析結果如下二點;1.善用LCM的利害關係者觀點,使政府或企業改善與利害關係者之間的關係,以發展更貼近利害關係者觀點之方案,以創造無形的價值,來帶動有效經濟價值。2.歸納出LCM的主要環境工具共有十個,分別是ISO14001環境管理系統、綠色供應鏈、環境績效評估、環境稽核、環保化設計、環境風險管理、環境會計、生命週期評估、清潔生產、環境資訊的溝通。此外,對於TFT-LCD產業而言,本研究亦提出不同工具之優先措施考量建議,可協助政府及企業做為永續發展在環境面之決策參考。 In the last decades, Taiwan has successfully transformed her industries from labor-intensified industries to technology-intensified industries, which can be represented by the electronics industry. Although the yield of many electronics products has been topped to the world, electronics industry of Taiwan is facing not just the challenge from competitors, but also the requirements of various environmental regulations. Currently, most notable regulations are the EU directives of WEEE and RoHs. In order to effectively handle these environmental related challenges and still create profits, industries should have suitable tools. In this study, UNEP’s life cycle management (LCM) concept, a holistic approach for generating “triple bottom line” benefits of the sustainable development, was adopted. The main purpose of this study is to learn the applicability of LCM, for which extensive literatures were surveyed and two case studies (one relates to waste laser disc management by using stakeholders perspective and another relates to TFT-LCD industry) were conducted. There are two conclusions can be generated from this study (1) stakeholder perspective is necessary for dealing with sustainability problems and should be utilized as widely as possible; and (2) ten major environmental tools for LCM were identified, and the priorities for implementing LCM tools for TFT-LCD industry were also proposed. It is suggested that LCM can be a useful tool for dealing with not just environmental problems, but also the sustainability of the corporations.