學校轉型的主要論點是因為學校規模小,每位學生的單位成本高,而教師數量少,所要負擔的行政工作,也比大學校沉重;因為學生人數太少,同儕學習的競爭力相對不足,而影響孩童的學習。過去也曾經推動整併轉型計劃,但大都因當地居民的施壓而作罷。但現今民間對教育的品質要求日益提高,教育經費的需求也日益高漲,所以教育經費的使用效益乃更形重要,雖然仍有民意代表的施壓,地方社區人士的反彈,小型學校的整併仍然持續著。 本研究主要以嘉義縣香林國中為例,探討「學校轉型」與結合「社區文化」之關係及可行性模式。其目的在探究 1. 嘉義縣學校轉型的實施過程與方式,2. 了解香林國中的教育發展與文化傳承的困境,3. 探討香林國中學校轉型教育發展結合社區文化學校社區化的可行性。研究過程,首先了解國中小學學校轉型的發展歷程,並以嘉義縣對學校轉型的實施情況作深入分析,探討香林國中現階段的困境及發展難題;進而了解鄒族部落的社會與文化內涵、社區的特色及原住民特殊技藝之狀況;並分析原住民學生在國家統一體制下所遭受到的學習困境與辦理「學校轉型」所需考量的變項與因素等。 綜合以上考究的內容,其結果可以指出未來嘉義縣香林國中遷校轉型理想的規劃方向,必須結合社區文化,所以學校轉型應以社區文化為教育的重點,如何保有傳統文化又能適應現代生活,是經營原住民學校重要的方向,希望透過香林國中學校轉型的議題能提供原住民學校發展的另一個思考面向;進而提出學校與社區建構共存共榮、永續經營模式,共同推動學校與社區化的可行方案與具體方法,並提出建議,供未來香林國中轉型規劃及教育主管機關,制定政策及推動工作時之參考。 The cause of school transformation is due to the small school size with the high unit cost of the students and the little number of both the teachers and the students. The teachers have to serve more administrative school work with fewer colleagues and the students have not enough learning models from fewer peers. Although some plans in the past about the school integration were stopped by some local residents and the city councilmen, the quality of education and the financial support for a small school are still necessary. This study of Siang-Lin Junior High School in Chia Yi County is to explore the relationships and the possibilities of combining the school transformation and community culture. The aim of this study is to investigate:1. The implementation process and methods of the school transformation in Chia Yi County. 2. The problems about the educational development and the culture transmission of Siang-Lin Junior High School. 3. The possibilities of combining the school transformation and community culture in Siang-Lin Junior High School. The process of this study is, first, to understand the school transformation development of elementary schools and junior high schools and to analyze the school transformation difficulties and the problems of Siang-Lin Junior High School. Furhtermore, the process is to get to know more about the society and religion of Tsou tribe as well as their specialties and also to explore the learning problems of the Aboriginal students under the master culture and the necessary elements of promoting school transformation. The result of the study indicates that the direction of the school transformation of Siang-Lin Junior High School is to integrate the community culture which should be the focus of the school education. To preserve the tradition culture as well as to adapt the modern live will be the main point of running a Aboriginal school. The issue about the junior high school transformation provides another thinking dimension for the development of the Aboriginal schools. The conclusion of this study also provides both the school and the community a model of sustainable management and the possible methods of promoting the Schooling community. Finally, the suggestions were made to the junior high schools and the supervisory unit of educational administration authorities.